Substation Designs & Automation
Developing Substation Automation System (SAS) Utilizing IEC61850 Standard
In this task, you will have to develop a Protection Scheme for a typical substation system utilizing the IEC61850 standard. The instructions below (there are two procedures developing substation layout and GOOSE messaging engineering) provide steps for configuring a substation layout and GOOSE messaging using PCM600.
After reviewing the procedures, you are to develop and design the SAS for the illustrated single-line diagram (SLD) shown at the end of the instructions.
Task: Complete basic steps of starting a new project. Step 1. Create a new project structure.
Start PCM600. Select File - New Project. Fill in the project name and description to dialog window. Click Create.
If you want to rename a project later use File - Open/Manage project dialog. Project must be closed while renaming.
Construct the plant structure by adding Substation, Voltage level and Bay objects into the project container. Objects can be added from Object Types side menu or right clicking plant structure objects and selecting New -General.
Step 2. Add and configure a protection relay.
Task: Configure GOOSE communication to exchange blocking and interlocking information between two relays.
Task background and detail explanation: In this exercise the GOOSE message is used for blocking based busbar protection. The feeder relay is sending GOOSE message which includes start signal of PHIPTOC stage. The incomer relay receives the GOOSE message and blocks its own PHIPTOC stage. Earth-switch position is also sent and it is used in the interlocking scheme of the circuit breaker in incomer IED.
General GOOSE configuration can be broken into following steps:
1. Create a new project in PCM600, add needed relays
2. Open IEC 61850 Configuration tool
3. Do the GOOSE engineering Create data set
a. Add data to data set
b. Create GOOSE control block and assign data set to it
c. Select recipient (client configuration)
d. Test inputs in receiving IED
4. Use Application Configuration tool to connect signals in receiving IED
5. Connect GOOSE signals in Signal Matrix Tool in receiving IED
1. How many IEDs have been used to implement the protection and control for SAS? What are the functionalities for each IED?
2. Based on existing primary equipment and required functionality, represent each IED through Logical Nodes (LNs) according to IEC61850 standard.
3. Draw the logical connections (links) between logical nodes, and include LNs from the process level and the station/control centre level.
4. Illustrate the GOOSE message configurations for each of the Protection and Control IEDs.
5. Illustrate the overall hierarchy of the SAS constituting communication network including Ethernet switches, communication links between IEDs (including LNs) in process levels with station computers and Network Control Centre (NCC).
6. Review Question 5 to illustrate a redundant protection scheme (only for protection scheme).
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