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Jun 05, 2023
In this activity, we will explore the theories of development and how each approaches the three basic issues in lifespan development. (Review the issues in Chapter 1). Look at this chapter from Sage Publications.


First, review the 3 “grand” issues (nature/nurture, one course/many, continuity/discontinuity) of developmental psychology. Next, summarize your own views on these 3 issues. Third, choose one of the theorists discussed on pages 12-21. Which theory most closely matches your own ideas? What are the strengths of this theory? The limits? How does this theory deal with each of these issues?

Due 6/5 by 11:59 pm, reply to one peer.

Be sure you have reviewed the grading rubric for Discussion Boards. Remember there are minimum lengths and expectations of analysis and application of course concepts. You are expected to use the textbook as your first source and to cite in-text where you used the text information. A complete reference list is expected at the end of each discussion. You are expected to respond thoughtfully to at least one classmate (see the rubric and samples in the syllabus). Do not wait until the deadline to submit. You may get closed out and you will not have time to read what others have written and respond thoughtfully. Review the section under the Syllabus tab for sources you cannot use.

In this activity, we will explore the theories of development and how each approaches the three basic issues in lifespan development. (Review the issues in Chapter 1). Look at this chapter from Sage Publications.

First, review the 3 “grand” issues (nature/nurture, one course/many, continuity/discontinuity) of developmental psychology. Next, summarize your own views on these 3 issues. Third, choose one of the theorists discussed in the course textbook. Which theory most closely matches your own ideas? What are the strengths of this theory? The limits? How does this theory deal with each of these issues?

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