Instructions: Choose a composer, famous performer, piece of music, or genre of music and provide the following:1. General overview and background of the person/piece/genre and their position of importance in music history.2. Discussion of their development and/or influences and include at least one short audio or audio-visual example (no more than 45 seconds in length).3. A bibliography with at least 3 sources. Materials and information must be cited correctly.**The only pieces of music that are off-limits are those covered in your textbook. (For example, if you would like to write about a Beethoven piece, you may choose any piece by him except Symphony No. 5 and the Moonlight Sonata, because those are covered in your text.)Details:-Presentation length: 5-6 minutes (you will be timed, so practice beforehand to make sure your presentation is the appropriate length)-Sources: must use and cite at least 3 sources. (Note: Though Wikipedia can be used as a starting point to find other sources, it is not a reputable source on its own and would not count as one of your three.) The bibliography will be submitted separately from the presentation in the Blackboard Module.*I would suggest typing your bibliography into a Word Doc and attaching that in the module so that the formatting will not be altered in submission.-Format/Recording: your choice—you may record yourself via video or audio; use a PowerPoint or some other presentation program with voiceover; you may include pictures or diagrams, clips of music, etc. Regardless of what you choose, you must submit the scriipt of your presentation with the rest of the presentation materials.-Submission: Plan to submit the recorded presentation to me via email; a Sharepoint, Google Drive, or similar program; or a link via YouTube. This way, there will be no concern about files being too large to submit via Blackboard. The bibliography and scriipt of your presentation, however, may be submitted through the Blackboard module as usual.