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Nov 14, 2024

Please follow all instructions as they are read. Follow in text citations and anything highlighted. Attached is instructions with link


Discussion Forum (DF) is a way for you to engage with your classmates about the course content. It is a collaborative student-centered strategy, and, again, all students are expected to be active and make effective comments that raise overall level of discussion. Each week, students are required to read and discuss a selected article/ video in order to establish a connection between these articles and course various topics—connect your writing to your course material, and incorporate relevant concepts/theories from your readings and class experiences. Throughout the semester, students are required to complete 8 DFs, and each DF is worth 15 points. In order to get full credit for each discussion, you will need to post thoughtful and well-written responses, and also respond to at least one of your classmates’ posts.

Your posting must be completed BEFORE the start of the class session.

Be sure to incorporate relevant concepts and theories from the week’s reading (i.e., textbook) to support your ideas and thoughts.


Incorporate multiple perspectives to the discussion of content; and reflect upon the implications of diversity on teaching and learning.

Discuss critically the role of cultural events in teaching and learning

Examine some common teaching practices in the classroom

Recognize the importance of exploring the meaning behind cultural holidays and traditions

DF Directions

Read the following article: ” Heroes and Holidays”,

Gorski, P. (2012). Stages of multicultural curriculum transformation. Multicultural Curriculum Reform. EdChange project. Retrieved from Canvas:

In addition to the Gorski’s (2012) article, make sure to connect your answers to your textbook (see page 337). You may use previous Chapters, e.g., Chapter 3 page # 63 and Chapter 4 page # 102)- Use the Curriculum Critically

Reading Response:

Based on your reading, the most interesting thing I read from this article was… (and explain why).

In addition, select and answer TWO of the following questions:

Why do so many teachers and teacher education programs utilize the “Heroes and Holidays/Tourist” approach to Multicultural Education?
What are the potential pitfalls of using the “Heroes and Holidays/Tourist” approach?
When highlighting a specific cultural holiday, how do you select the right culturally responsive strategies and materials to enhance your students’ knowledge, interest, and respect for the cultural group being featured?

Optional Readings

How to Avoid the Tourist Approach to Celebrating Diversity In Preschool

Culturally Responsive Instruction for Holiday and Religious Celebrations | Colorín Colorado (
Approaches to Multicultural Curriculum Reform by James Banks.pdf

Experiencing Diversity through Children’s Multicultural Literature.pdf

Ways to Celebrate Diversity in the Classroom


You need to divide your response into paragraphs for easier reading. Answer each question separately and use the question as the heading for each answer (or, you may just write e.g., Question# 1 and then write your answer).
For any DF, you need to post your answers only, based on the week’s readings; therefore, you don’t need to upload any Word document. You only need to upload a document when you have an assignment/paper.

Post & Respond

DF Post: Read carefully the directions of your weekly DF included in the related module. You need to reflect upon and/or answer related article/video questions and post them on CANVAS. Post your DF as early as possible in order to allow your classmates adequate time to respond to it (check the due date for clarity). Your response(s) to your classmates’ discussion assignments should be completed within 48 hours after the assignment’s submission deadline. o read how your classmates responded, pick at least one post to respond to with a thoughtful comment. Postings and responses should be directly connected to course readings. Please remember, it is not a convincing argument to simply say things like:

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