Module Code :- 1749
Module Title :- Aesthetic Business Operations
ASSIGNMENT TITLE :- Aesthetic Products and services
Level :- 5
Weighting :- 50%
Essay/Report Format :- Formal Report
Assignment Word Count :- 2500
1749 Aesthetic Products And services Assignment – UK
● Report on the considerations needed when purchasing Aesthetic equipment or products for a Clinical Practice.
● Analyse TWO pieces of Aesthetic equipment OR TWO Skincare Brands for successful commercial use in a UK Aesthetic Clinic.
● Analyse the legal and ethical implications of the professional use of the products or equipment identified.
● Identify the most viable skin care brand OR piece of Aesthetic equipment for commercial use through the application of THREE purchasing theories to justify your final choice
● A: Use a SWOT analysis to generate the comparative information for analysis along with applying the Iceberg theory to identify any hidden costs.
● B: Analyse legal and regulatory implications that could impact the commercial use of the equipment OR products selected. For Example: Proposed frameworks from the Joint Council for Cosmetic Practitioners (JCCP) Cosmetic Standards Practice Authority (CPSA) SAVEFACE the impact of the Keogh Report Health and Social Care Act 2022 The British Medical Laser Association (BMLA) Quality Care Commission (QCC) implications and requirements if applicable, insurance requirements Health and Safety requirements and equipment regulations.
C: Justify purchasing decisions by the application of purchasing theories; Product Lifecycle purchasing strategy The Boston Matrix The Kraljic Matrix.
D: Research current trends and use supporting data to support Product/modality choices.
● Focus on attention to detail, quality of work and overall academic standards.
● For additional guidance on this assignment please access the assignment vod cast available on Canvas.
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