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Feb 06, 2024


1. In the first Industrial Revolution, Britain`s output from 1500-1750 increased _____ times.

1) over 25

2) over 35

3) over 20

4) over 60

5) over 50

2. The reason for the Opium Wars between Britain and China was because

1) Britain wanted to cover its trade imbalance with China by creating a Chinese market for addiction of the Opium.

2) China fought against shipments of Opium entering China but were out-militarized by the British.

3) Britain continued to increase the amount of Indian Opium they imported to China from 1,000 chests (weiging 150 lbs.) in 1773 to 23,000 chests in 1832

4) the massive flow of gold going outside of China to pay for the Opium was draining the economy.

5) All of the above.

3. In 1949 China,

1) the Chinese Communist Party defeated the Japanese and established a Communist government in China.

2) the Chinese Communist Party defeated the British and established a Communist government in China.

3) the Chinese Communist Party defeated the Dutch and established a Communist government in China.

4) the Chinese Communist Party defeated the government of Chiang Kai-shek and established a Communist government in China.

5) None of the above.

4. A major reason 40% of Japanese men and 15% of Japanese women were literate in 1750 was because

1) of public education for the masses.

2) of Confucianism

3) of private education.

4) many were traders and merchants who had to be educated.

5) the government required one person in each household be literate.

5. With the support of Britain and Russia, _______________ broke away from the Ottoman Empire in search of nationalism.

1) Greece and Serbia

2) Bulgaria and Romania

3) Turkey and Bulgaria

4) Number 1 and Number 3

5) Number 1 and Number 2

6. The Archduke Franz Ferdinand was assassinated by

1) Czechs whose independence and autonomy was being threatened by a coalition of Serbs and Russians who were given more representation in the government.

2) Serbs whose independence and autonomy was being threatened by the coalition of Slavs who were given more representation in the government.

3) Slovaks, Croats and Ukrainians whose independence and autonomy was being threatened by the coalition of Slavs who were given more representation in the government.

4) Turks who were concerned about the rise of the Balkan States.

5) All of the above were involved in the assassination in some way or another.

7. During WWl the Turks massacred and deported over one million Armenians, denying the genocide and stating that the Armenians

1) were collaborating with the Russians against the Ottomans in WW l.

2) were undermining the government of Turkey.

3) were guilty of sabotage.

4) Number 1 and Number 3.

5) Number 1 and Number 2.

8. Under Joseph Stalin`s rule of terror

1) Lenin`s top associates in the Communist Party were purged.

2) nearly one million were executed.

3) two million were sentenced to the Gulag.

4) Number 1 and Number 2

5) Number 1 and Number 3

9. The Lateran Accords

1) freed the indigenous people of Latin America.

2) freed the people of Bolivia from Spain.

3) made the Vatican a nation-state.

4) freed Italy from the Ottoman Empire.

5) None of the above.

10. Hitler believed that women

1) should join the workforce to support the Nazi regime.

2) should remain at home, nurturing children to become defenders of the Nazi state.

3) should serve the regime as nurses and teachers.

4) Number 1 and Number 3.

5) None of those responses above represent Hitler`s beliefs about women.

11. During the depression Hitler put Germans to work

1) building the autobahn.

2) rebuilding his military.

3) with massive public works programs.

4) All of the above.

5) Number 1 and Number 3.

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