+44 7743 307695
Mar 31, 2023

Aims of ASS105-3 Case Study – How might develop strategies that would be more ‘inclusive’? Undertake a critical analysis of a case study to deliver a well-argued and evidenced explanation of how the named school could become more inclusive drawing on relevant theory.

Case Study on How might develop strategies that would be more ‘inclusive’?

The School

Eastfield Secondary School is located in a run-down area of a large urban town serving a post-war estate. The school has been recently refurbished after missing out on a whole school rebuild because of national austerity. The community which the school serves has a sizable Eastern European population. There are also a number of asylum seeking families who have
come to the UK after fleeing conflict. The proportion of Children in Care at
the school is higher than average because alongside other Children in Care there are a number of unaccompanied asylum seeking young people who
attend the school. The previous head teacher only stayed for five terms and permanently excluded over 20 pupils during this time, considerably above the annual national average (under 1 per 1000). Recruitment and retention
of teachers is a challenge – this is reflected by this being the third head in as many years. Despite this the new head is determined to make the new school more inclusive and has begun by holding meetings with staff and pupils to this end.

Your role is to provide advice as to what she should be doing to achieve this
goal of a more inclusive school. You will need to reflect on the general
position above and the specific circumstances of the young people outlined

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