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Apr 03, 2023

Unit title & code BHS006-2
Assignment number and title Assessment 1 referral: Cell Pathology
Assignment type Lab Report
Weighting of assignment 25%
Size or length of assessment 1500 words
Unit learning outcomes 1. Demonstrate understanding of fundamental pathological processes and apply knowledge of laboratory pathology techniques to analysis of cell and tissue function in biological samples.
BHS006-2 Referral: Cell Pathology Assignment-Bedfordshire University UK.

What am I required to do in this assignment?
The referral assessment is not a repeat of the original assessment. However it covers the same learning outcomes as the original practical- based assessment and you will be required to explain the process of H&E staining as well as demonstrate practical skills and relevant understanding. You use be allocated a fresh case study to analyze to demonstrate your knowledge and understanding. The data link for the case study that you are allocated will be emailed to you.

You will produce a concise and comprehensive report, related to the skills and knowledge relevant to practical pathology skills and evaluate the role of pathology in the clinical management of disease.

The practical is in a single part to be completed using online materials:
 Microscopy & Histology

 Demonstrate understanding of staining process
 Experience in diagrammatic drawing from microscope images used for histology
 Development of histological understanding of tissue and identification of components

The format and contents for the report are as follows:

Briefly explain the purpose of histological staining and its use in pathology. Explain how H&E stain works to provide contrast to samples.

BHS006-2 Referral: Cell Pathology Assignment-Bedfordshire University UK.

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