Assignment Instructions: Observe a child, either in a childcare setting or in his/her home, who is six to over one year of age and walking independently but not more than 2 ½ years old (30 months). Note that you are not to observe your child. You should probably plan to observe for two hours. You will observe the child’s physical, cognitive, and social development. Writing Instructions: You will type a 2-3 page paper using Times New Roman and 12-inch font. Answer the sections below, in order, by writing the number and header, then discuss in paragraph format. Discuss each observation by answering all the questions using paragraph format — no individual sentences or bullets. Use as much detail as necessary to answer each question completely. Remember to use descriptive language, but avoid language that reflects your personal judgments, opinions, or biases. Proofread your work and check for spelling, grammar, and typing errors. (3 points for assignment and writing directions, including submission of notes) SECTIONS: Infant/Toddler Information: (2 points) Child’s first name or initials: Observation Site or Location: Age in Months: Number of Adults Present: Time of observation: Number of Children Present Generally and briefly describe the room or setting of the observation and provide a summary of the types of activities or routines that you observed. No more than 4 sentences. Physical Characteristics: (5 points) Describe the child’s entire body from head to toe by describing the child’s physical characteristics such as the color of skin, hair eyes, teeth, legs, arms, toes, tummy, etc. Consider the length, shape, and physical characteristics of the child. (You are creating a written head-to-toe image of the child you are observing in great detail). Do not say anything about the clothing they are wearing. Physical/Motor Development: (10 points) The focus of this section is to consider the progression of motor development during the early years of life and how the child uses his/her body. Provide several examples from each question in enough detail to capture the developmental stage of the child. Describe each movement as accurately as possible. Coordination Describe the child’s physical control of his/her body, and how he/she coordinates the movements of their head, trunk, arms, hands, fingers, legs, and feet. Describe in detail all of the ways the child uses these parts of the body to interact and explore their environment. Discuss the gait and rhythm or flow of their movements. Fine motor skills Describe the child’s fine motor development as discussed in class. Notice how the child uses his hands and fingers to explore, play, and eat. Provide at least two examples of using hands and fingers to hold, grasp, pinch, and manipulate objects. Gross motor skills Describe the child’s gross motor development as discussed in class and notice how the child uses his/her body for large muscle movement and locomotion for crawling, creeping, climbing, walking, running, jumping, etc. Describe how the child moves his/her body for these skills. Cognition and Language Development: (10 points) Describe what you think the child can understand when others are communicating with him/her. Describe how the child communicates through nonverbal signs, gestures, or spoken language. Give specific examples from your observation. Cognition: Receptive language (understanding): Describe the response or what the child does that leads you to believe the child understands concepts, objects, or what is being said in the environment. Expressive language: Are there any recognizable words? If so, write specific examples of what the child says and how he says it. Pragmatics: (how the child uses language) Does the child use language during play to talk to him/herself (self-talk)? Does the child use language or nonverbal gestures/signs to talk with or gain the attention of others, ask questions, or get something needed? Provide specific examples of what was said and to whom. Social Emotional Development: (10 points) Describe the child’s social and emotional behaviors and responses when interacting with others. Social development: How does the child respond to the needs or simple requests of other children or adults whether familiar or unfamiliar? What is the child’s social interaction level? Does the child prefer to interact with adults, other children, or just themselves? And, how often? How does the child get the attention of others or make requests for help or assistance from others? What is the child’s response when an adult gives a direction or correction about his/her behavior? Emotional Development: Give at least one specific example for each. Delight: Record the cause of and the response to any emotional displays that seem positive. Describe the child’s verbal response, gaze, gestures, body language, and other ways they communicate the emotion. Distress: Record the cause of and the response to any emotional displays that signal the child is in distress. Describe the child’s verbal response, gaze, gestures, body language, and other ways they communicate the emotion. Summary: (10 points) The focus of this section is for you to create meaningful connections between what you are learning in this course and what you have observed. Describe how this child’s physical, social/emotional, and cognitive development compares with what you have learned about the typical development of children at the same age level as discussed in our class and your textbook. Include examples directly from your observation and connect them to at least one bullet point from each chapter from the textbook concepts and theories below (one paragraph each, approximately 200 words). For example: Chapter 5: Physical Development (choose at least one bullet): Growth and Stability Motor Development The Development of the Senses Chapter 6: Cognitive Development (choose at least one bullet): Piaget’s Approach to Cognitive Development Information-Processing Approaches to Cognitive Development The Roots of Language Chapter 7: Social & Personality Development (choose at least one bullet): Developing the Roots of Sociability Forming Relationships Differences Among Infants
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