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Jun 07, 2023
Build a Committee Profile for your Member of Congress-
This assignment asks you to become familiar with the committee work that your member engages. Provide a description in roughly three pages that provides a good picture of the policy landscape that your member engages in his or her committee work. To help you build this picture, below are suggestions to help you reflect for this assignment.
Look up on your members profile and find what committees and subcommittees on which your member serves.
Look up information about each of the committees. You can find this information for the House of Representatives here: Information for the U.S. Senate can be found here:
1) What committees/ subcommittees and positions (i.e. chair or ranking member) does the member of Congress hold? Does the member seem active in committee work?
2) Does their committee work seem connected to the the district they represent (as described in your district profile)? Does their committee work seem connected to their policy agenda? In what ways are these two things connected?
3) How active are the committees that your member serves? What are the core issues or bills that seem to have taken up most of the agenda space over the last two Congresses? (Each Congress if four years. So you can look at the 118th, 117th, and the 116th Congresses.)
4) Go to CSPAN and find a hearing for one or two committee or subcommittee meetings the member serves. Watch the hearing. How engaged is your member in the discussion? Does he or she play a key role in the discussion? (Note: You are welcome to fast forward through sections if it helps. Be sure to watch enough of the hearing for you to be able to have a good grasp of the issues.)
Congress member I’m using is Alma S. Adams
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