As the clock struck midnight on 12 April, Eastlakes resident Bernaby called out to his son Maceo, "The time has come! Time to celebrate! Grab your gear and let`s go!" It was time to take Maceo out for a late-night birthday (17th) spin at Randwick Raceways Disco Club (RRDC) - a new and exciting disco carting franchise that had started up in Sydney, which was always brimming with excited teens. Maceo had taken his love interest Molly-Mae on a date there once before and was hoping to see her there again that night.
Once there, before getting out of the car, Bernaby reaches across Maceo to open the glovebox. Retrieving a brand-new iPhone 17, he gave it to the already elated Maceo, who excitedly started to set it up while walking to the venue entrance.
"Ok son - put all your stuff in a locker so it doesn`t get wrecked ok" says Bernaby, pointing at the lockers. "Yeah of course, as usual" says Maceo who is fixated on the phone and barely looking up - "I can finish setting the iPhone up later". He hands the phone and his wallet to the attendant, along with the $2 locker fee, and the attendant gives him a ticket and says, "present this later to collect your items and HAVE FUN!", motioning to the gate to continue through to the disco carting area.
While Maceo goes in and hangs out, Bernaby sits down in the cafe/bar area and sees Francoise, an old friend he remembered from university, behind the bar. "Oh my goodness is that you Francoise? said Bemaby. "What are you doing here? What`s been happening since our uni days sitting together in CLAW1001?"
Francoise also seemed very excited to see Bernaby and replied, "Oh wow I thought that was you! Was that your son? I actually own this place - do you like it? We never had a disco carting place to go to in our uni days so I thought I`d make one and I`m so proud of how it`s been going. It`s my dream come true."
Bernaby was impressed - the place was indeed packed and unlike his former class companion, he was in a job he hated. He says in response, "Yes the place is all my son ever talks about on the weekends now - if you don`t mind me asking - how much does this place turn over every month?"
Oh, it clears at least $20,000 per month in profit," Francoise explained. Oh wow," Bernaby said pensively, "do you think you`d be open to letting me open one of these in Sylvania?" I reckon probably. So, if I got, like, I think a $1,000 upfront initial consultation fee, and a cut of the profit every month," replies Francoise.
The two are interrupted by Maceo, who has returned to get a drink in amongst much disco-ing. This is my son Maceo, Francoise" Bemaby says warmly, looks at Maceo and goes on, "Why don`t you get a job here Maceo? Francoise - do you need someone to help you out here?"
Absolutely! Here`s a contract!" says Francoise, who has been looking for new staff to help with her burgeoning business. Maceo fills it out and signs.
Bemaby then leaves to disco with his son. When they finish, they return to the locker section and Maceo hands over his ticket. The attendant takes it and returns to Maceo his new phone, whichivate Wi now has a cracked screen. "What Happened?!" Maceo exclaims to the attendant. The attendant Settings shrugs, "I don`t know" and points to a paragraph on his ticket which reads:
Maceo and Bernaby go home and Bernaby emails Francoise:
"Are you still happy to let me open a new location of the Randwick Raceways Disco Club in Sylvania?" Francoise replies, "I`d be happy to let you open a new location of RRDC in Sylvania on the terms attached. Importantly, I will need to approve the design of your racetrack before you`re able to open - that`s in the contract too."
Bemaby thinks that`s reasonable and signs and returns the document Francoise has attached without reading it.
Two years later, Maceo is still working at the original location of RRDC per his contract with Francoise and is now the manager of that location.
Bemaby is in the final stages of preparations for the launch of the Sylvania location of the RRDC.
Activate Win Maceo - still bitter about his phone screen being cracked, quits suddenly after a minor argument Settings to with Francoise. "You can`t do that!" says Francoise.
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