Question 1
a. Create a contingency (pivot in excel) tables, cut, and paste the excel output for the variables: (You must decide which variables are independent and dependent in each pivot table) (1 mark for each pivot table for a total of 4 marks for all pivot tables). All charts must be labeled completely for full marks.
i ‘age group’ and ‘gender’.
ii ‘age group’ and ‘types of shifts worked’
iii ‘age group’ and ‘level of education’
iv `gender and choose any other categorical variable that may be of interest to the researcher to describe this sample (other than age group as conducted in i).
b. For ONE of the above tables, discuss (critically interpret the statistics) the findings of the descriptive analysis for this sample. Based upon these descriptive results for this sample, for that same table, suggest possible nursing implications for practice and one possible research question. (As this is bivariate analysis, must discuss bivariate practice and research implications ie discuss both variables in their association with each other).
Question 2.
The researchers are aware that there are many barriers to the implementation of best practice guidelines (BPG). Therefore, they wanted to assess the nurse participants` perspectives of time to provide client centred care as per the BPG and their perception of their organization`s support for them to practice according to this guideline. The nurse participants completed questionnaires to measure these concepts. To organize, synthesize and summarize the data they need to conduct the summary descriptives and then create a null and research hypothesis. Respond to the following data analysis questions.
a. Create summary statistics reports of descriptive data for the two variables:
i) ‘Time to provide client centred care’
ii) ‘Perceived support from the organization for client centred care’
b. Explain the standard error (S.E.) number in relation to the sample means for each variable.
c. Write a null hypothesis for the variables in question 2a and b. State which variables are the independent and dependent and the levels of measure for each
d. Write a research (an alternate) hypothesis for the variables in question 2c. State if hypothesis is directional or not, (and if so, which direction). Logic of independent and dependent variables must be consistent between null and research hypotheses.
e. For the two variables above, based upon the research hypothesis you created, calculate the Pearson r, and explain relationship in terms of strength and direction. Explain the relationship between the two variables in words. (Note: you are not being asked to test the hypothesis you created above, just to calculate and explain the r)
f. Determine the coefficient of determination for the Pearson’s r calculated in question 2e. Explain its meaning in terms of the relationship between the two variables. (this number is found in excel output for the regression as the r squared)
g. For the two variables above, based upon the research hypothesis you created, create a scatter plot 0.5 marks Remember to decide which variable is logically the independent variable (or factor) and which is the dependent variable in order to decide which variable goes on the xaxis and which variable goes in the y-axis, as indicated by the hypothesis you created. Label the variables names and codes for each variable’s categories as per the data dictionary either in a legend or on the plot.
h. Discuss the relationship between the two variables. You must discuss the relationships in words in terms of the hypothesis you presented, ie use the variable names in your discussion of the relationship to explain it (critically interpret the statistics) and possible implications for a) practice and b) research based on these results. Include a discussion of any of the demographic data that you have analyzed in previous assignments.
Question 3.
For the following research scenario, state and complete each step of the hypothesis testing procedure. At the end of the 6-week in-service sessions, the researchers readminsitered the quiz on client-centred care knowledge to the study participants to see of the seminars were effective in increasing nurses’ knowledge and understanding of this BPG. 4 .. The research question is: Is a 6-week seminar course effective in enhancing nurses’ knowledge and understanding of best practices in client-centred care?
a. Conduct the inferential test by completing EACH step and its sub steps
1) To select a test statistic: State the null hypothesis
State the research hypothesis.
Identify the target population
Identify the sample population
Identify the independent variable or factor and level of measure
Identify the dependent variable and the level of measure.
State the test to be done and provide your rationale
2) To establish the level of significance:
State the level of significance for the test:
3) To select a one-tailed or two-tailed test: State your choice of a one or two tailed test Provide your rationale.
4) Conduct the test in excel and report the calculated test statistic, for either the one-tailed or two- tailed test, as per your choice above `You must include the excel output
5) To calculate the degrees of freedom:
Calculate and state the degrees of freedom for this test and explain how that number was derived ie show your calculation
6) State the critical value to be exceeded by the calculated t test statistic, for either the one-tailed or two- tailed test as per your choice above, from the excel output.5 (Look for this critical value manually in the textbook table for t test statistics by using the one or two tailed test, df and alpha which you determined, in order to compare the calculated t test statistic value from your analysis with the critical value as listed in the table, which will confirm your computer critical value.) (critical value to be exceeded)
Step 7) Compare the calculated t test statistic with the level of significance at which the test statistic fell under the curve; and make a decision to accept or reject the null hypothesis. State the p value at which the test statistic was located under the curve. Report as test statistic score t = , df = , p = State 3 decisions:
i) Are the results statistically significant?
ii) Do you accept or reject the null hypothesis?
iii) What do you conclude about the research hypothesis?
b. Discuss (interpret) your findings. (Interpretation includes discussion of descriptive analyses with all relevant data outputs, possible error sources, generalizability and critique of design that would suggest bias).
Discuss the nursing practice and research implications based on the results from the analysis of this research question. Include a discussion of any of the demographic data that you have analyzed in previous assignments. (One mark for total of 3b.)
Question 4.
The researchers wanted to know if the types of shifts nurses worked effected their knowledge regarding client centred care at 6 months post seminars. They asked the research question: Do the types of shifts worked effect nurses’ retained knowledge regarding client centred care?
a. Conduct the inferential test by completing EACH step and its sub steps
1) To select a test statistic: 6 State the null hypothesis
State the research hypothesis.
Identify the target population
Identify the sample population
Identify the independent variable or factor and level of measure
Identify the dependent variable and the level of measure.
State the test to be done and provide your rationale
2) To establish the level of significance: State the level of significance for the test:
3) To select a one-tailed or two-tailed test: State your choice of a one or two tailed test Provide your rationale.
4) Conduct the test in excel and report the calculated test statistic, for either the one-tailed or two- tailed test, as per your choice above `You must include the excel output
5) To calculate the degrees of freedom:
Calculate and state the degrees of freedom for this test and explain how that number was derived ie show your calculation
6) State the critical value to be exceeded by the calculated t test statistic, for either the one-tailed or two- tailed test as per your choice above, from the excel output.
(Look for this critical value manually in the textbook table for t test statistics by using the one or two tailed test, df and alpha which you determined, in order to compare the calculated t test statistic value from your analysis with the critical value as listed in the table, which will confirm your computer critical value.) (critical value to be exceeded)
7) Compare the calculated t test statistic with the level of significance at which the test statistic fell under the curve; and make a decision to accept or reject the null hypothesis
b) Discuss (interpret) your findings. (Interpretation includes discussion of descriptive analyses with all relevant data outputs, possible error sources, generalizability and critique of design that would suggest bias).
Discuss the nursing practice and research implications based on the results from the analysis of this research question. Include a discussion of any of the demographic data that you have analyzed in previous assignments.
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