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Mar 18, 2024

Assignment Task

Part A

Assault of pupils, sexual misconduct are leading complaints against teachers.

Teacher regulatory body, the South African Council of Educators (Sace) said it has observed an influx of complaints against teachers in the first quarter of the 2022-23 fiscal year, with the majority being assault of pupils, followed by sexual misconduct.

The South African Council of Educators (Sace) reported an increase in complaints against teachers in the 2022-23 fiscal year, primarily citing assaults on pupils and instances of sexual misconduct.

Out of 734 cases received, 254 were investigated for misconduct, a decrease from the prior year`s 764. CEO Mapula Ella Mokgalane expressed concern over these trends, noting assaults on learners as a prominent issue. Specific complaints included assault on colleagues or learners (212), sexual harassment of learners (163), absenteeism (91), abuse of learners (58), and financial mismanagement (48).

Mokgalane emphasized the need for advocacy to restore professionalism. The council finalized 254 new investigations and 540 old cases, leading to charges against accused educators. Notably, 31 educators were indefinitely removed from the teaching roll, with some deemed unfit to work with children due to serious offenses like sexual misconduct and severe assault. Mokgalane highlighted workshops on professional ethics and corporal punishment alternatives due to a rise in corporal punishment cases despite educators` demands for solutions to school discipline issues.


  1. Based on the article, describe two specific examples of educator misconduct mentioned. Then, research and explain how each of these behaviours violates the SACE Code of Professional Ethics. (10)
  1. Investigate the role of the South African Council of Educators (SACE) as mentioned in the article. What is SACE`s responsibility regarding educator misconduct, and how does it aim to uphold professional standards? Provide two key points from your research. (10)
  1. Reflecting on the trends of misconduct outlined in the article, select one form of misconduct (e.g., assaults on learners, sexual harassment) and propose two strategies from the SACE Code of Professional Ethics that could help prevent such incidents. Explain how each strategy would contribute to creating a safe and respectful learning environment. (10)
  2. Research and compile a detailed profile of the ideal economics educator according to the expectations outlined in the South African Council for Educators (SACE) Code of Professional Ethics 
  3. Include characteristics, skills, attitudes, and behaviours that exemplify an educator committed to excellence, ethics, and professionalism.
  4. Discuss why these qualities are essential for effective teaching and learning in the field of economics.

Part B   


  • Consult the CAPS for Grade 10 Economics to identify the content for Term 1,.

  • Use the provided information on lesson planning as a guide for structuring your poster.

  • Demonstrate your ability to conceptualize and sequence a lesson effectively within the one-page


Design a one-page poster outlining a lesson plan for a Grade 10 Economics class, focusing on the content of Term 1, Week 3-4 according to the CAPS (Curriculum and Assessment Policy Statement). Your poster should include:

  1. Two key concepts to be covered, distinguishing between them.  

  2. A brief overview of the activities or teaching methods to be used.  

  3. An assessment task or question to evaluate learner understanding.

  4. Two guidelines on how unexpected events during the lesson will be managed.

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