3. Review your chapter to the Chapter 2 Literature Review Grading Rubric before you submit.
4. The MHSc program uses turnitin.comLinks to an external site. for the submission of your lit review paper to ensure students submit original work, including plagiarism and AI generated writing.
5. Submit Chapter 2 by Sunday, March 3. 2024 by 11:59pm.
I’ve completed chapter 1 and I will attach it here along with the outline provided from my professor and discussions related to the literature review I’ve completed. Also, if you can add more references. I already have 8.
6 minutes ago
Chapter 2: Literature Review
Opening paragraph of 2-3 sentences that informs the reader the content that will be
presented and fully discussed in this chapter.
Search for Evidence
Open this section by discussing the importance of specific and evidential knowledge to
inform decision-making for your clinical research question. Discuss how this evidential
knowledge will assist the provision of quality care and/or education across each element of your
PICOT research question.
Type of Question (that applies to your clinical research question)
Search Terms
Discuss the importance of search terms to find literature of clinical evidence for your
clinical question. Discuss the search terms you identified to initiate your database search.
Discuss your rationale for the value of these terms. In the following headings, how you
strengthened your search through the next three search strategies.
Subject Heading
Synonym and Alternative Terms
Boolean Operatives and Truncation
Discuss your process for searching the NSU MD databases.
Quality of Resources
Describe the quality of the resources the NSU MD databases provided: strengths and
limitations; gaps in the clinical knowledge of your PICOT question.
Fourth Database Selection
Identify and explain your rationale for the fourth database you chose. Describe the quality
of the resources this database provided: strengths, limitations. How this database further
expanded or did not expand the evidence for your PICOT question.
Evidence: Types and Numbers
Current peer-reviewed research, random controlled trials, meta-Analyses, systematic
Reviews, etc.
Evidential Quality
Number of literatures removed as old, duplicates, or lack of evidential quality for the
PICOT question.
Title and abstract screening for literature relevance to PICOT clinical research question.
Number of articles determined as relevant to the PICOT question retrieved and saved.
Several sentences that sum up your search, evidence, and relevance to the PICOT clinical
research question. Two sentences of what the reader should expect in Chapter 3.
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