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Apr 19, 2024

Implement community development strategies


Provide answers to all of the questions below:

Question 1. Give an example of a law and public policy that is relevant to community development.

Question 2. List a step by step approach as relevant to community development.

Question 3. Give an example of a community development protocol that should be followed.`

Question 4. Give an example of a specific funding source that could be used for community development work. For this same funding source, give an example of a policy/strategy they use to encourage community input and participation.

Question 5. Explain the following two approaches to community development.


Question 6. Explain the following two principles/practices related to contemporary community development.

Asset-based (ABCD)

Question 7. Describe the following terms in relation to community development.

Question 8. Explain power and conflict management issues that may arise in community development.

Question 9. Explain how networking and partnerships are important for community development.

Question 10. Give an example of a policy and procedure that could apply to data collection and analysis

Question 11. List three methods for disseminating information relevant to community development and the benefit of each method.
Method Benefit
Mass media
Social media

Question 12. Give an example of a general and a cultural issue that might relate to a community group and how you could manage it.

Question 13. Give two examples of group processes that are useful to use as part of community development.

Complete the following activities:

Activity 1. Carefully read the following information.
This assessment task requires you to work with a community group of your choice to identify their issues and priorities and then to develop strategies to address these issues. You are to assume the role of a community development worker.
The community group could be a specific group in your local area (which you may even already be part of) or you are unable to access a community group, you could form a group with a small group of students where you collectively agree on an issue you feel passionate about and form a community group. Carefully review the CHCCCS003 Simulation Pack for guidance. Speak to your assessor to get approval for the community group that you have decided to work on.
Read through the requirements of Section 1, 2 and 3 of your Project Portfolio.

Activity 2. Community development preparation
In this first part of the assessment, you are to prepare to work with the community group to identify issues and priorities and develop strategies.
This will involve:
• Conducting some initial research into and analysis of the issues. This should include identifying and analysing systems/structures that contribute to the issue.
• Determining and then documenting how you will facilitate community participation in order to identify issues and priorities. You must identify and organise at least three opportunities for community participation so that issues can be identified, prioritised and suitable strategies developed. At least one of the activity must be a group meeting (which could also be held online). Plan out each activity, including a date and time for the meeting.
You are to answer all the questions in Section 1 of your Portfolio in order to successfully complete this task.
Make sure you have answered all questions in Section 1. Submit to your assessor for review and approval to the next step.
You are also required to attach certain documents as part of your evidence - review the documents you need to attach as outlined in Section 1 of the Project Portfolio and make sure you attach these when you submit this section.
You will use the work you have completed in this section of the Portfolio to work with the community group in the next activity.

Activity 3. Identifying issues and priorities and strategies
In this next part of the assessment you to are to implement the opportunities for community participation you planned and provide evidence of this in your Portfolio.
During all these activities you will be required to demonstrate that you can:
• Use interpersonal skills to identify issues
• Respond to concerns
• Provide referrals as needed
• Assist with moving private concerns into public action
• Identify strengths, talents, abilities and assets that can address the community priority
• Discuss common goals and collaboratively develop strategies for community empowerment and to address the issues and priorities.
Specifically during your meeting with the group, you are to facilitate the meeting to ensure effective group outcomes. Follow the instructions about providing a short recording in your Portfolio.
You are to answer all the questions in your Portfolio, as well as provide all the required evidence.
Make sure you have answered all questions in Section 2. Submit to your assessor for review.
You are also required to attach certain documents as part of your evidence - review the documents you need to attach as outlined in Section 2 of the Project Portfolio and make sure you attach these when you submit this section.

Activity 4. Reflect on practice.
Following your work with the community group you are to:
• Reflect on the work that you have completing, considering what went well and what could be improved, including skills and knowledge you want to upgrade.
• Seek feedback from the group you worked with to inform your review.
Complete your Portfolio.

5. Submit your completed Project Portfolio
Make sure you have completed all sections of your Project Portfolio, answered all questions, provided enough detail as indicated and proofread for spelling and grammar as necessary. Remember to submit all necessary attachments as indicated.

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