Discussion: Manual Reflection
You must post before you can see or reply to the posts of others.
Please answer the questions below. Write 3-5 sentences to answer each. Please number your answers.
Question 1. Describe the instructional manual you worked on. Provide context, such as the topic, target audience, and purpose of the manual.
Question 2. Reflect on your writing process. Did you follow a particular structure? How did you organize the content to ensure clarity and coherence?
Question 3. Discuss any challenges you faced while writing the manual. Did you encounter difficulties in explaining complex concepts or making the content user-friendly?
Question 4. How do you think the images helped to illustrate and enhance the text?
Question 5. Share your approach to editing the manual next week. What small or large-scale changes do you think you will need to make? How will you ensure consistency, accuracy, and readability?
Question 6. Summarize your key takeaways from the project and reflect on how this experience has improved your writing and editing skills. What was easier? What was more difficult? What did you learn?
After you post, be sure to comment on at least 2 posts from your peers!
Be sure to COMMENT on at least TWO posts from other students. This is part of your grade.
Comments should be respectful and at least 1 paragraph long. Comments like "Good job" or "No, I don`t agree" with little explanation do not count.
Long Term Project 1: Instructional Manual Revision
After completing your reflection and the exercises on grammar and clarity, edit and revise your 4-6 page instructional manual in Microsoft Word.
• Edit and revise your document for clarity and sentence flow.
• Proofread and revise your document for grammar, particularly capitalization and sentence structure.
• Include a cover page with images, fonts, colors, etc. appropriate to your manual. Although it should not look like a school paper, you must include your name and the date somewhere on the cover sheet.
• Include your revised set of instructions with at least 7 steps
• The instructions MUST be in your own words.
• Regardless of the format you`ve chosen, you should have about 1200-1500 words
• Include the revised versions of the images you made for your previous assignment. Make sure these have descriptions, labels, etc.
• Include any other images, graphs, maps, etc. that will help your intended audience understand the instructions.
• Cite any images as needed using MLA citation formatting.
Please remember that this is a visual document. The visuals should be as clear and helpful as the text.
This is the final draft of this project. The first draft was worth 50 points. This final draft is worth 100 points.
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