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May 19, 2023
For this assignment, you will first need to pick a literary work from the list below:
Haudenosaunee Creation Story/the “World Turtle” in ancient mythology
Ovid – “The Transformation of Arachne into a Spider” OR “The Story of Tereus, Procne, and Philomela” (from Book VI of Metamorphoses)
Samuel Taylor Coleridge – “The Rime of the Ancient Mariner”
William Blake – “The Tyger” and/or “The Lamb”
Herman Melville – Moby-Dick
Edgar Allan Poe – “The Murders in the Rue Morgue”
Sarah Orne Jewett – “A White Heron”
Franz Kafka – “The Metamorphosis”


Part I

For Part 1 of the project, you will need to find three peer-reviewed articles about the work written by literary scholars (i.e. experts, like professors of English, the Classics, or Anthropology). I recommend beginning your search with these databases (all accessible through Brightpoint’s library website):

Academic Search Complete
(You will need to go to the ‘A-Z List of Databases’ to access JStor.)

After you have selected your articles, which may deal with the role of animals in the work or another topic of interest, you will need to read them and create an annotated bibliography containing MLA 9 works cited entries (these databases actually have citation generators which will create MLA 9 citations for you) for each article followed by a 100-150 word annotation which identifies the source’s author, the main claims of the article, and, optionally, anything you just find really interesting in the article.

Part II

For Part 2 of the project, you will write a minimum 500-word reflection in which you compare-and-contrast the interpretations put forth in the articles. You should also discuss whether reading these articles has changed or impacted your understanding of the literary work in any way.

Assignment Guidelines

Your project submission should meet all MLA 9 formatting and documentation guidelines, including using size 12 Times New Roman font, 1” margins, appropriate headers, indented paragraphs, and correctly formatted MLA 9 works cited entries for each scholarly article. All text should also be double-spaced. All writing should adhere to standard American English grammar, spelling, and punctuation. You may use this template to begin your project.

5 hours ago

Your Name
My Name
Class Name
Project 1
Part 1: Annotated Bibliography
Author Last Name, First Name. “Title of Article.” Title of Journal, vol. x if available, no. x if available, Publication date, pp. x-x if available. Title of Database, URL of article.
In 100-150 words, write an annotation in which you identify the source’s author and their credentials, the main claims of the article, and, optionally, anything you just find really interesting in the article.

Author Last Name, First Name. “Title of Article.” Title of Journal, vol. x if available, no. x if available, Publication date, pp. x-x if available. Title of Database, URL of article.
In 100-150 words, write an annotation in which you identify the source’s author and their credentials, the main claims of the article, and, optionally, anything you just find really interesting in the article.

Author Last Name, First Name. “Title of Article.” Title of Journal, vol. x if available, no. x if available, Publication date, pp. x-x if available. Title of Database, URL of article.
In 100-150 words, write an annotation in which you identify the source’s author and their credentials, the main claims of the article, and, optionally, anything you just find really interesting in the article.
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Part II: Reflection
Write a minimum 500-word reflection in which you compare-and-contrast the interpretations put forth in the articles. You should also discuss whether reading these articles has changed or impacted your understanding of the literary work in any way.

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