This assessment consists of readings and questions that require a short answer response. This assessment consists of two sections:
Part A: Standards and Code
Part B: Ethical Principles
Complete the five questions with a reference list. PLEASE be sure to review the Assessment 2 template which can be found in Resources at the bottom of the checklist.
Question 1
Using your own words, explain the importance of one of the listed codes or standards which are used in governing the professional conduct of nurses, ensuring patient safety and maintain the integrity of the nursing progression.
Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia`s Code of Conduct for Nurses or International Council of Nursing Code of Ethics or
Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia Standards for Practice.
The response should identify how the chosen code/standard is relevant to nursing students (references are required).
Question 2
Identify and state the most relevant `Domain, Principle, Value and ONE behaviour expected statement from the Code of Conduct that is relevant to this situation (reference at the end of the sentence).
Question 3
Define the Behaviours Expected Statement identified in your own words and why it is important to Finley`s situation, you should include information from the main and
Question 4
Apply the Principle and Behaviours Expected Statement to the facts of the case study. (That is, what actions did Finley do that reflected the code of conduct and what actions could breach the code of conduct). (No reference required))
CASE STUDY in relation to question 2, 3&4
Finley is a first-year nursing student at the University. During the second semester Finley commences their first professional experience placement in a local health facility. During the placement a local celebrity is admitted to the ward. When Finley attends a family dinner that evening, they are asked how they are enjoying nursing so far. Finley highlights to their family that the degree is everything they expected and more, nursing is the career for them. Finley states, I am currently on placement at Smallville Hospital, the staff are so welcoming, one of the important things I have learnt is the importance of confidentiality, so I cannot tell you anything about what I see". Later in the evening, Finley tells their sister, "You would not believe who came into the hospital today", (sending their sister a photo via text message taken of the patient in hospital), "I helped to do their admission and assessment of abdominal pain, but don`t tell anyone".
Question 5
Identify, define TWO ethical principles (eg Autonomy, Beneficence, non-maleficence, justice) that are involved in this case to demonstrate understanding of this principle.
For each ethical principle identified provide a brief definition of the ethical principle and discuss how each identified ethical principle (eg Autonomy, Beneficence, non- maleficence, justice) is relevant to the case study.
CASE STUDY in relation to question 5
A 65-year-old patient, Mrs. Park, with multiple chronic conditions (heart failure, diabetes, and hypertension) has been admitted to your ward. She is unconscious, non-communicative, and has a Do Not Resuscitate (Advanced Directive) order on their medical record. The family insists that everything possible should be done to keep Mrs Park alive, including CPR and intubation if necessary.
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