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Oct 31, 2023


1. Which of the following is true about newsletters?

a. They should be sent no more than twice a week.

b. They should include information about your product or service.

c. They should include helpful content for customers and prospective customers.

d. They should not highlight thought leaders in your company.

e. They should not highlight subject matter experts in your company.

2. Which of the following is true?

a. Technology makes tasks easier, but it does not make our lives easier.

b. People have not yet begun to think about the lack of personal interaction and its corresponding etiquette in the workplace.

c. Technology is so pervasive in selling that salespeople are actually pushing back on their managers and asking them for more gadget time and less face time.

d. Technology, with all of its efficiency and benefits, can become a substitute for old-fashioned human efforts.

e. The crush of technology does not take precedence over business etiquette.

3. Which of the following is an example of personal selling?

a. Registering for classes this semester.

b. Working with a financial planner to develop a plan to pay off your student loans

c. Booking a hotel at

d. Ordering groceries online.

e. Buying a Netflix subscription.

4. Which of the following is not an example of unethical behavior?

a. treating employees unfairly

b. bribing an executive

c. disclosing information

d. promising things that are intentionally fallacious

e. saying things that are knowingly untrue

5. Something that has economic value to a business because it is not generally known or easily discoverable by observation and for which efforts have been made to maintain secrecy is known as _____.

a. CRM

b. non-proprietary knowledge

c. a trade secret

d. touch point

e. a bribe

6. Which of the following statements is true?

a. Only a one-to-five proportion of Internet users live in places abroad.

b. Expansion to foreign markets is limited to those corporations that can make the investment required to locate offices and operations abroad.

c. When companies and salespeople think creatively and see the environment through the customer`s eyes, they can identify selling opportunities that might not otherwise exist.

d. Selling internationally is as simple as setting up a Web site.

e. Almost 80 percent of Internet users live in the United States.

7. Research indicates that people comprehend information in four distinct ways. "What if?" corresponds to which of the following?

a. They want to know only the information they need to get it done.

b. They want to know the reasons for doing something.

c. They want to know the whole story.

d. They want to know the facts about it.

e. They want to know the consequences of doing it.

8. Which of the following is true?

a. You can include jargon on your résumé and cover letter.

b. A timely response is critical.

c. It has been proven that most people are very clear in their communications.

d. Empathy is an integral part of hard skills.

e. Quick responses, whether verbal or via electronic methods, can never be effective.

9. Which of the following about verbal and written communication is true?

a. Generally, written communication is better at conveying feelings; verbal communication is better at conveying facts.

b. Verbal communication has a significant advantage: humans speak much faster than they listen.

c. Written communication can take place when verbal communication is not an option.

d. Although written communication usually takes place in real time, verbal and nonverbal communications have a longer consideration period.

e. Verbal communication is preferred to written communication when careful consideration is important.

10. When fans stand in line to get season tickets for the NFL Super Bowl Championship team, it is an example of which brand attribute?

a. Relevance

b. Consistency

c. Uniqueness

d. Homogeneity

e. Emotional connection

11. Which of the following is an example of product information?

a. This will be transported by road.

b. All recertified products carry manufacturer`s limited guarantee of six months.

c. We can deliver that tomorrow.

d. This printer is wireless.

e. It has a 90-day manufacturer warranty.

12. Jeff Rasmar is a new sales rep at JRM Commercial Realty. His compensation is straight commission. The company realizes that it will take him some time to develop his customer base before he will begin earning commission. Therefore, he will be paid a draw for the first three months. What does draw mean in terms of his compensation?

a. He will not get paid until he makes a sale.

b. He will earn an advance against future earnings and bonuses.

c. He will earn a bonus if he exceeds his sales plan.

d. He will earn a salary plus a percentage of everything he sells.

e. He will earn a percentage of everything he sells

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