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Jan 20, 2024

Assignment Task

A) Identify and critically reflect upon your discipline 

In this section you will identify and critically reflect on the features of your disciplinary knowledge, and the assumptions, research skills and practices associated with your discipline. You will find it useful to draw on readings, lecture materials, workshop experiences and your own research. You might use some of the following questions to prompt your reflection in this section:

  • What is the subject matter of your discipline?
  • What approach(es) does your discipline adopt to research?
  • What kind of theoretical frameworks, paradigms, or specific practices tend to prevail in your discipline?
  • Are there specific methodologies and data that your discipline prefers to employ in conducting research?
  • Have there been any major recent changes/developments in the way the discipline has unfolded?
  • Are you aware of any debates and/or divisions existing within your discipline and/or criticism towards your discipline?

Throughout your assignment, it will be helpful to support your discussion with specific details (e.g. explain a theory, say how a particular practice is used, or provide an example of a specific development or debate).

B) Apply your disciplinary knowledge

For this part, you will select one of the case studiesavailable in the unit (these are available to view via the Case Studies modules). (Do not forget to name the case study that you select. You may find it helpful to choose the case study your group is considering for the Case Study Project, but you do not have to.)

Consider how your disciplinary perspectives, as discussed in the first part, can help you contribute to addressing one of the driving questions set for this case study (you should identify the specific question you are discussing). You might consider questions like:

  • What theory or methodology from your discipline could be helpful to address the question and why?
  • Or, what type of data would you employ to address the problem and why would it be helpful?
  • What kinds of proposals could your discipline provide to address the problem?
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