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Apr 18, 2024

Assignment Task


1: Topographic Maps

Open the file Banff Map Sheet  in Adobe Acrobat Reader DC. This file shows the full scale map sheet from Banff Alberta (NTS map sheet 82 O/4). Examine the information that is on this map sheet in Adobe Acrobat Reader DC

1. The scale of this map as a ratio scale is:

2. The scale of this map sheet as a written scale is:

3. The year of publication of this map sheet is:

4. The information on this map sheet is current to the year:

5. The contour interval on this map sheet is:

2. Location, Elevation, Scale (Figure 1)

Examine Figure 1 which shows the northeast corner of the Banff map sheet. The map margin is visible as are the latitude and longitude symbols (black and white bars) and coordinates (black text in degrees and minutes). The Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) coordinates are shown in the blue text.

The Page blue grid that is superimposed on the map sheet is the UTM grid. Each blue line is separated by a distance of 1 km. Review the section on the UTM coordinates in the background reading document and Map Basics. Questions 6 to 13 refer to Figure 1. The contours are shown in metres and the contour interval is 40 m.

6. There are two labelled locations on the map, identified by purple dots with the numbers 1 and 2. These are Location 1 and Location 2. For each of the two locations determine the six digit UTM coordinate.

7. On Figure 1, use the Distance Measure tool to determine the map distance (in cm) between Location 1 and Location 2. Report the map distance with two decimal places.

8. The ground distance (actual distance on the ground) between Location 1 and Location 2 is 8.0 km. Using this ground distance and the map distance (from Question 7), calculate the scale of the Figure 1 map and present the scale as a ratio. Do not include decimal places in your scale (round off ). Show your work by either typing your calculation into the answer box or taking a photo of your handwritten calculation and insert the image into in the answer box.

9. On Figure 1, use the Perimeter Measure tool to determine the map distance (in cm) between Location 2 and Location 3, following along the road. Report the distance with two decimal places

10. Use the scale of Figure 1 determined (from Question 8) and the map distance from Location 2 to Location 3 (from Question 9) to calculate the ground distance from Location 2 to Location 3. Present that ground distance in km, with one decimal place. Show your work by either typing your calculation into the answer box or taking a photo of your handwritten calculation and insert the image into in the answer box.

11. On Figure 1, locate the symbol at UTM 975 735. Using the NTS Legend, identify the feature at that location.

12. On Figure 1, locate the symbol at UTM 039 763. Using the NTS Legend, identify the feature at that location.

13. On Figure 1, locate the symbol at UTM 968 700. Using the NTS Legend, identify the feature at that location.

3. Elevation, Elevation Gradients (Figure 2)

Examine Figure 2, below, which shows the area to the southwest of the town of Banff. Many of the symbols (e.g., green colour for wooded area) have been removed to allow the contour lines to be more visible. The contours (light and dark brown lines) are shown in metres and the contour interval is 40 m. The scale is shown as a bar scale in the bottom left corner of Figure 2. Questions 14 to 16 refer to Figure 2. On Figure 2, two trails are shown by black dashed lines, they are called Sundance Creek Trail and Sulphur Mountain Trail. On Figure 2, there are four labelled locations. Location 1and Location 2 are on Sundance Creek Trail. Location 3 and Location 4 are on Sulphur Mountain Trail.

14. Using the contours lines and the contour interval (40 m) on Figure 2, determine the elevation in metres of Location 1, Location 2, Location 3, and Location 4. Note that Locations 2 and 3 are on contour lines. Locations 1 and 4 are not on contour lines and elevation must be estimated by proximity to nearby contour lines.

15. On Figure 2, use the Distance Measure tool to determine the map distance directly from Location 1 to Location 2. Using the bar scale for Figure 2, calculate the ground distance from Location 1 to Location 2 in km. Show your work by either typing your calculation into the answer box or taking a photo of your handwritten calculation and insert the image into in the answer box.

16. On Figure 2, use the Distance Measure tool to determine the map distance directly from Location 3 to Location 4. Using the bar scale for Figure 2, calculate the ground distance from Location 3 to Location 4 in km. Show your work by either typing your calculation into the answer box or taking a photo of your handwritten calculation and insert the image into in the answer box

17. Calculate the Elevation Gradient (in m/km) from Location 1 to Location 2. Then calculate the Elevation Gradient (in m/km) from Location 3 to Location 4. Report your elevation gradients with units.

18. Elevation gradient is a measure of slope steepness. Which trail is steeper: Sundance Creek Trail (Location 1 to Location 2) or Sulphur Mountain Trail (Location 3 to Location 4)? What is the relation between contour line placement and the steepness of the slope?

4. Visualization of the Topography in Google Earth Pro

Open the file Banff Google Earth.kmz in Google Earth Pro. On the left side under Places, you will see the file name and a series of layers that are Location placemarkers. You will be navigating to these placemarkers to view the terrain and examine the imagery. In Google Earth, there are tools to assist in viewing and interpreting the terrain. You can change the Elevation Exaggeration. The elevation exaggeration setting can be adjusted from a minimum level of 0.1 to a maximum level of 3. You can also examine the terrain of an area in Google Earth from different perspectives. You can use an overhead view (Plan View), or change the angle of view to an oblique view (tilted). You can also change the direction of view (e.g., move north, south, east or west to the top of the screen).

Navigate to the pink placemarker called Location 1, this location encompasses the Banff area outlined with a pink polygon. Examine the topography at this location within the pink polygon using different elevation exaggeration levels (low, moderate and high levels). You can change your perspective and look at different areas at Location 1. Now navigate to the pink placemarker called Location 2. This area encompasses an to the east within the prairie area of Alberta and is outlined by a pink polygon. Examine the topography at this location within the pink polygon using different elevation exaggeration levels (low, moderate and high levels). You can change your perspective and look at different areas at Location 2.

19. In Google Earth, examine the terrain of Locations 1 and 2 in Plan View and in Oblique View. How do these two views affect your understanding of the terrain?

20. What is the effect of adjusting the Elevation (Vertical) Exaggeration? Describe the effect at both Location 1 and Location 2.

5. Imagery Attributes in Google Earth Pro

You will be examining the imagery in Google Earth and use the Imagery Attributes (shape, size, pattern, texture, colour, shadows, site associations) to identify features. The imagery attributes are described in the Background Reading. In your answers refer to these attributes to support your feature identifications.

21. Navigate to the yellow placemarker called Location 3. What is the feature at Location 3? Describe the imagery attributes used to identify this feature.

22. Navigate to the placemarker called Location 4, there is a yellow polygon showing the area. What is the feature at Location 4? Describe the imagery attributes used to identify this feature. Be specific as to how you distinguished the feature at Location 4 from the feature at Location 3. 

23. Navigate to the placemarker called Location 5, there is a yellow polygon showing the area. What is the feature at Location 5? Describe the imagery attributes used to identify this feature.

24. Navigate to the place marker called Location 6, there is a yellow polygon showing the area. What is the feature at Location 6? Describe the imagery attributes used to identify this feature. 

25. Navigate to the place marker called Location 7, there is a yellow polygon showing the area. What is the feature at Location 7? Describe the imagery attributes used to identify this feature.

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