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Dec 21, 2023

Assignment Task


Martha is an 83-year-old woman who has been cared by for her daughter in her daughter’s home over the last five years. Martha has dementia and is getting progressively more forgetful and confused. Martha’s daughter reports to you that Martha has been visiting the doctor more frequently due to deterioration in her overall health. Martha has not only been diagnosed with dementia, but she also has ongoing issues with her breathing. Her doctor has indicated that she may have chronic bronchitis; however, this requires an official diagnosis, something Martha has not yet agreed to. It has come time for Martha to be cared for by professionals as her daughter is unable to keep up with the medications and the monitoring Martha requires. Martha’s daughter is visibly upset during your meeting, stating that she feels like she is failing her mother, and she never wanted to put her in a home.


1. Identify how you can obtain further information to check Martha’s health status using your knowledge of the body system?

2. Describe any actual and potential problems for Martha?

3. What interventions may be suitable in this situation to improve Martha’s health status?

4. Identify the people you could clarify the significance of Martha’s health issues with if you were uncertain or it was outside the scope of your role?

5. From the list of people identified in Question 4 complete the table below identifying two and clarifying their roles, responsibilities, and limitations in confirming Martha’s health status?


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