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Nov 01, 2023

Assignment: Curriculum Design Project


Now that you have developed an entire program on the higher level, it is time to dig in a little deeper and develop some key aspects of one single course. Every good course has a syllabus and part of any good syllabus is the list of required course materials also known as "textbooks."


For this portion of your Curriculum Design Project, you need to design choose one of the courses in your program and design a syllabus which will include, among other items, the required materials list. For the remainder of your project, the course you choose here will be the course you will be working from.

A. Find the example below and discover the following critical features of a syllabus.

I. Course Description: A brief description covering the basics of what is in the course. This becomes part of the course catalog for the university.

II. Rationale: This is the "Why?" behind the course.

III. Prerequisites: What courses in your program are required to be taken first in order to be successful in this course?

IV. Required Resource Purchases: Textbook requirements. All of the following are required: Author, Title, Publisher, Year, ISBN number. (hint: use Amazon)

V. Additional Materials: Optional, but think through all the items a student would need for this course.

VI. Measurable learning outcomes: This is VERY similar to program learning outcomes. However, instead of writing a handful of outcomes for the program, you should be writing what a student will be able to do after taking this course.

VII. Course Requirements and Assignments: All that is required of the student in order to succeed in the course.

VIII. Course Grading and Policies: How many points is each assignment worth? What is the grading scale? What is the late policy? (see the full list in the syllabus)

B. Complete the syllabus for the course you selected using the template provided separately (It is the same as below, but available as a separate document in your course.) Simply replace the information in the document with your own

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