Topic selection is single Mom/ Working Mom
you will create an outline for your paper. The outline will help you organize and write your paper.
Your outline needs to:
Incorporate research related to your topic for each section. Keywords are not enough to earn credit. Include evidence such as statistics, data, or quotes from experts.
Include an APA-formatted (7th edition) reference page with at least four scholarly sources.
Your final paper will answer the following questions:
Explanation of Erickson`s theory of psychosocial development
Definition of a psychologically healthy child
Explanation of how a child`s environment (your chosen family dynamic) affects their psychological health
Stage 1: Trust vs. Mistrust
Birth to 12-18 months old
How would they establish a secure attachment with their child?
How would they ensure their infant can depend on them?
How would they ensure their child`s safety (both physical and emotional)?
Stage 2: Autonomy vs. Shame and Doubt
18 months to 3 years old
How would they foster independence and help their toddler build self-esteem?
How would they approach terrible twos tantrums?
What will they do to encourage a sense of control?
Stage 3: Initiative vs. Guilt
3 to 5 years old
How would they ensure their child is growing socially integrated?
How will they boost their child`s positive self-image and help them develop self-confidence?
What parenting style would they use?
Stage 4: Industry vs. Inferiority
5 to 12 years old
How would they help their child develop a sense of pride in their accomplishments?
How would they help their child feel confident in their ability to achieve goals?
What after-school activities would their child participate in?
How many hours of screen time will be permitted for their child?
How would they help their child deal with bullying / cyberbullying?
Summary of the paper
Importance of understanding Erickson`s theory for supporting healthy child development
Future research and implications for practice
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