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Feb 17, 2024

Assignment Task


The assessment tasks for ICTSAD609 Plan and monitor business analysis activities in an ICT environment are outlined in the assessment plan below. These tasks have been designed to help you demonstrate the skills and knowledge that you have learnt during your course.

Please ensure that you read the instructions provided with these tasks carefully. You should also follow the advice provided in the IT Works Student User Guide . The Student User Guide provides important information for you relating to completing assessment successfully.

Assessment for this unit

ICTSAD609 Plan and monitor business analysis activities in an ICT environment describes the performance outcomes, skills and knowledge required to establish and manage Information and Communications Technology (ICT) business analysis activities in a medium-to-large organisation.

For you to be assessed as competent, you must successfully complete two assessment tasks:

  • Knowledge questions – You must answer all questions correctly.
  • Project – You must work through a range of activities and complete a project portfolio.

1. Knowledge Questions

1. Describe a general business analysis process. In your answer include:

  • a definition of business analysis in an ICT environment
  • steps that outline the business analysis process
  • examples of business analysis deliverables.

2. Complete the outlining legislation, standards and organisational policies and procedures related to business analysis.

3. List four tools often used in business analysis to identify and understand problems, needs or opportunities in a workplace.

4. Describe a general project management process. In your answer include:

  • A definition of project management in an ICT environment
  • Steps that outline the project management process

5. Summarise two project management techniques that are often associated with an ICT environment. Use the table below for your answer. An example has been provided for you in the first row.

6. Complete the explaining the types of risk that may be associated with a business analysis initiative and its stakeholders. For each type of risk, you are required to provide an ICT relevant example. The first row has been completed as an example for you to follow.

7. Explain three strategies that may be used to mitigate and manage risks associated with a business analysis initiative. You answer should include:

  • an explanation of the mitigation strategy
  • appropriate example to illustrate the strategy.

8. Complete the outlining a general stakeholder management process.

9. List three communication constraints that may impact stakeholders.

10. Summarise requirements management as it relates to business analysis. In your answer include:

  • an explanation of what requirements analysis is
  • outline of how requirements can be managed
  • a description of four types of requirements
  • tools or techniques relevant to requirements management.

11. Define technology solution patterns.

12. List four metrics that can be used when monitoring business analysis performance.

2. Project Portfolio


This project requires you to demonstrate your ability to plan and monitor two business analysis activities for business-critical projects in an ICT environment. As part of the assessment you will:

  • identify and define two business analysis initiatives applicable to business-critical ICT projects
  • plan an approach to business analysis for each initiative considering requirements laid out in legislation, standards and organisational policies and procedures
  • conduct a stakeholder analysis to identify and assess stakeholders associated with each initiative
  • plan business analysis activities including the scope and project management of work to be done and stakeholder communication
  • plan the requirements management associated with each initiative
  • establish and manage business analysis performance.

This project must be based on two separate business analysis initiatives related to an ICT environment with numeric and financial data available to support business analysis planning. You can use the case study business provided to you by your assessor, or you may like to base this on your own business, or a business you are currently working for or are familiar with. It is important that this business has organisational policies and procedures related to your business analysis initiative already developed. Speak to your assessor to get approval if you want to base this on your own business or one you work for.

You will also need to seek input from people who work for, or are involved, in this business analysis initiative several times. Fellow students or your assessor can be involved in these meetings and play the roles of process stakeholders as relevant.

You will be collecting evidence for this unit in a Project Portfolio . The steps you need to take are outlined below.

Project planning

Familiarise yourself with the business you’re basing this assessment on and identify two business analysis initiatives applicable to a business-critical ICT project in the business or case study. Make sure your chosen initiatives have numeric and financial data to support business analysis planning.

Complete Page 4 of your Project Portfolio for this unit.

Read through the requirements of Section 1, 2 and 3 of your Project Portfolio a s well as the necessary background information, relevant policies and procedures.

Plan business analysis approach

Complete Section 1 of your Project Portfolio .

When you complete Section 1, you need to:

Provide an overview of your chosen business, including:

  • The name of the business
  • a description of what the business does

Describe the ICT business analysis initiatives associated with the business, including:

  • a brief outline of each initiative, illustrated with an appropriate business analysis tool (for example SWAT analysis)
  • an explanation of how each initiative supports the organisation’s vision and strategy
  • two objectives of each initiative.

Establish the legislative and organisational requirements related to each business analysis initiative, including:

  • a summary of the relevant legislation outlining how it applies to the initiative
  • a summary of applicable standards outlining how it applies to business analysis activities
  • a summary of the associated organisational policies and procedures outlining how it applies to business analysis activities.

Identify all stakeholders (using an appropriate technique) for each initiative and:

  • create a list of key internal and external stakeholders who have authority over business analysis activities
  • explain how to identify and deal with new stakeholders throughout the duration of each initiative.

Establish applicable organisational process needs, including:

  • relevant personnel (engagement with staff members on how work should be done)
  • a description of an appropriate project management method or technique

plan the execution of business analysis activities for each initiative according to organisational requirements.

You are also required to attach certain documents as part of your evidence – review the documents you need to attach as outlined in Section 1 of the Project Portfolio and make sure you attach these upon submission.

Stakeholder meetings

Meet with the key internal and external stakeholders of each initiative. Have separate meetings for each initiative. Take notes so you can complete Section 2 of your Project Portfolio after the meeting. Each meeting should last for approximately 15 mins.

At the meeting:

  • assess stakeholder attitudes toward the initiative
  • identify at least two potential risks associated with the stakeholders
  • discuss and establish business analysis deliverables (at least three), including:
    • descriptions of the deliverables
    • tasks/activities associated with each deliverable
    • approval of which activities will be performed and when
    • stakeholder requirements using the technique selected in step 3.
  • During the meeting, you will need to demonstrate effective communication skills including:
  • seeking the views and opinions of others by active listening and questioning
  • communicating information clearly and concisely
  • building rapport with stakeholders by positive friendly interaction.

Plan business analysis activities and communication

  • Summarise the outcomes of each stakeholder meeting, including:
    • stakeholder attitudes towards the initiative (including competing demands)
    • at least two risks associated with the stakeholders
    • risk mitigation approach
    • at a detailed description of at least three business analysis deliverables
    • stakeholder requirements
  • Determine business scope for each initiative considering deliverables, associated activities and general stakeholder requirements. Explain how you addressed competing demands.
  • Develop estimates for business analysis work applicable to each initiative, using numeric and financial information and an appropriate tool/technique for mathematical calculations.
  • For each stakeholder, plan internal and external stakeholder communication to receive, distribute, access, update and escalate information. Consider at least two communication constraints.
  • Establish business analysis performance metrics to measure work performed by the business
  • analyst. Identify an appropriate format.
  •  Establish a requirements repository for requirements under development, under review and approved. Include:
    • a description of the repository
    • attributes to be captured
    • identify key factors outlining the need and process for traceability
    • a requirements change process.

You are also required to attach certain documents as part of your evidence – review the documents you need to attach as outlined in Section 2 of the Project Portfolio and make sure you attach these upon submission.

Stakeholder update meeting

Meet separately with the relevant stakeholders of each business analysis initiative. Take notes so you can complete Section 3 of your Project Portfolio after the meeting. The meeting should last for approximately 10 minutes.

  • share an update on the progress (e.g. via a project schedule)
  • review and discuss the project progression
  • discuss any changed positions or requirements the stakeholders may have
  • identify any new stakeholders

During the meeting, you will need to demonstrate effective communication skills including:

  • seeking the views and opinions of others by active listening and questioning communicating
  • information clearly and concisely
  • building rapport with stakeholders by positive friendly interaction.

Performance management meeting

Meet with the business analyst. Take notes so you can complete Section 3 of your Project Portfolio after the meeting. The meeting should last for approximately 10 minutes.

  • discuss the business analyst’s performance on each business analysis initiative (share the performance evaluation you prepared at the end of step 5 against the metrics established as part of your planning in step 5)
  • identify where problems may be occurring
  • recommended corrective action

During the meeting, you will need to demonstrate effective communication skills including:

  • seeking the views and opinions of others by active listening and questioning
  • communicating information clearly and concisely
  • building rapport with stakeholders by positive friendly interaction.

Manage business analysis

Complete Sections 3 of your Project Portfolio

When you complete Section 3 you need to:

  • Summarise the outcomes of your meeting with the stakeholders for each business analysis meeting, including:
    • a description of any changed positions or requirements the stakeholder may have
    • a list of any new stakeholders
    • an explanation of how the changes will be managed.
  • Summarise the outcomes of your meeting with the business analyst
  • Confirm recommendations for corrective action (e.g. via draft email)
  • Explain how you managed problem solving for business analysis activities drawing on your existing experience.

You are also required to attach certain documents as part of your evidence – review the documents you need to attach as outlined in your in Section 3 of the Project Portfolio and make sure you attach these upon submission.

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