1. Controversial Social Issue
Identifies a controversial contemporary social issue and located a social media article or blog that passionately discusses the issue from a clearly biased viewpoint.
-Locate an impassioned social media post (i.e., Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, and blogs), focused on the controversial social-political issue. The post must be recent, no more than one month old.
a. A short one sentence headliner, that succinctly describes the editorial content.
b. An introduction paragraph briefly summarizing the social media post`s viewpoint on the controversial socio-political issue. This paragraph should briefly introduce your viewpoint and state your position.
c. The editorial should present your viewpoint (advocate or opposer) on the controversial social issue. Please note that you must take a position in your editorial. You cannot argue a "middle of the road" approach that supports both an advocate and opposer positions.
2. Evidence-Based Argument
Clearly articulating a well-constructed argument, substantiated by research evidence, facts and relevant statistics to support your position. The editorial must present a counterargument, refuting any disinformation or misinformation you credibly identify as propaganda presented in the social media post. The editorial must use relevant quotes from your research to support or refute the arguments presented in the newspaper article.
3. Social Policy
Identifies and comprehensively describes social policies that combat or exasperate the contemporary controversial social issues; Uses research evidence to corroborate statements about the relevancy or irrelevancy of the social policy.
The editorial must include a conclusion paragraph that identifies social policies meant to combat the social issues. The policies discussed can be helpful or harmful.
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