+44 7743 307695
Nov 09, 2023

Video Transcript:

As an elementary teacher you play a critical role in your students physical health and wellness most schools across the US have a certified PE teacher with designated PE times throughout the week. However, that is not enough time for children to be physically active throughout the day.

Children need at least 60 Minutes of moderate to vigorous physical activity per day.

While we would expect our students get most of their activity at home after school. This is not the case with many of our kids.

Unfortunately many children are inside sedentary after school. So is their primary educator it is up to you to help them Reach that 60 Minute goal per day.

The great news is is that planning active lessons will not only help your classroom management and promote positive behaviors.

Student academic performance and retention should also improve.

Familiarizing yourself with age-appropriate health content such as activities that promote physical mental emotional and social health helps establish an environment where students feel happy and safe.

When students feel comfortable in their environment and are equipped with skills such as personal health safety responsibilityand conflict resolution students become positive contributors to their classroom school and community.

Many schools have adapted the whole school whole Community whole child or the wscc approach where education leaders and health sectors collaborate to improve each child`s cognitive physical social and emotional development.

Incorporating PE skills into your lessons will help immensely with managing classroom behaviors Academic School retention injust make class more fun and enjoyable for our for all.

Students like adults need physical movement throughout the day small activity breaks can help students refocus as well as retain information better than just sitting at their desks.

planning to incorporate the proper PE skills and activities can be intimidating at first but just like anything else the more you practice or do it the easier or more streamlined it becomes I am confident that after this class you`ll feel more comfortable with incorporating PE skills into your lessons.

Your text is well as a supplemental resources in this class will allow you to plan fun and engaging activities for your students.

1. After watching the video, explain why health education is so important.

2. Health education content may include topics that are sensitive for some students to talk about. How will you establish and maintain an environment where students feel comfortable, safe, and able to learn?

3. Describe the benefits to students and to teachers of incorporating physical education concepts and skills into the classroom and instruction.

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