Apply Utilitarian ethical theory to the issue of abortion, and in particular apply the following three principles and concepts to that issue: The Principle of Utility, the concept of self-regarding conduct, and the concept of other-regarding conduct. Do you agree or disagree with the Utilitarian principle and why?"
Step I: Use these scenarios to answer the following steps:
1. The pregnant woman is a 35-year-old banker who had a one-night stand with a man she met at a bar. She wants to keep the baby.
2. The father is a 30-year-old bus boy who works at the bar where they met. He wants her to get an abortion.
3. Their friends and both families believe she should keep the baby.
4. She decides to keep the baby.
Step II: Apply the Principle of Utility to the scenario below.
Did her decision promote the greatest happiness of the greatest number of people? (Answer with a Yes or No)
Step III: Apply the concept of Self-Regarding Conduct to the scenario.
Is this scenario an example of self-regarding conduct? (Answer with a Yes or No)
Step IV: Apply the concept of Other-Regarding Conduct to the scenario.
Is this scenario an example of other-regarding conduct? (Answer with a Yes or No)
Step V: Do you agree with the Principle of Utility in that it requires that one do what will bring the greatest happiness to the greatest number of people? (Answer with "I agree" or "I disagree")
Step VI: Explain why you agree or disagree with the Principle of Utility. (Be sure you respond to the Principle of Utility and NOT to the scenario; in fact, make no reference to the scenario in your answer. This answer should be at least one paragraph (not short and not too long in length).
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