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Oct 09, 2023

Assignment Question

Discussion Topic Rodolfo and Javier (two cases in chap. 9) are at different stages in the life cycle, yet there are issues affecting their school attendance. Please compare and contrast these two cases. Write a substantive reply to at least two classmates’ posts regarding these two cases.Discussion Topic Rodolfo and Javier (two cases in chap. 9) are at different stages in the life cycle, yet there are issues affecting their school attendance. Please compare and contrast these two cases. Falicov: Chap. 8: Racism, Prejudice, and Discrimination Chap. 9: The Challenge of School and Work Adames, H. Y., Chavez-Dueñas, N. Y., & Organista, K. C. (2016). Skin color matters in Latino/a communities: Identifying, understanding, and addressing Mestizaje racial ideologies in clinical practice. Professional Psychology: Research and Practice, 47(1), 46. López-Cevallos, D. F., Vargas, E. D., & Sanchez, G. R. (2023). Perceived Anti-Immigrant Climate, Health Care Discrimination, and Satisfaction with Care Among US Latino Adults. Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health, 1–5. Viruell-Fuentes, E.A., Miranda, P.Y., & Abdulrahim, A. (2012). More than culture: Structural racism, intersectionality theory, and immigrant health. Social Science and Medicine, 75, 2099-2106. Suggested Readings Basáñez, T., Jennifer B Unger, J.B., Soto, D., Crano, W., & Baezconde-Garbanati, L. (2013). Perceived discrimination as a risk factor for depressive symptoms and substance use among Hispanic adolescents in Los Angeles. Ethnicity & Health, 18 (3), 244-261,

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