Contemporary Practice Topic
You will choose and write an essay exploring a contemporary (current) practice topic that impacts the mental health and well-being of service users (consumers/clients/patients). Using a recovery-focused approach you will consider strategies that could be used to work collaboratively with the person, their families, and carers while respecting cultural and social sensitivities.
The aim of this task is to write an essay exploring a topic that is relevant to mental health and wellbeing. This will enable you to demonstrate an in-depth understanding of the topic area and how you can use a recovery orientated approach to work with the person.
Using evidence from predominantly journals to support your work, the following steps will help you complete this task:
1. Choose an area of mental health that is of interest to you (there is a separate document below with examples if you would like some ideas).
2. Explore your chosen mental health topic in depth by searching the literature and reading research papers about your topic.
3. Examine the impact of your chosen topic on the wellbeing of service users (consumers/clients/patients) by reading peer-reviewed literature and research papers that explores the impact ideally from the person’s (patient, service users, consumer) perspective.
4. Describe how you would use a recovery focused approach to work with the person (and their family).
5. Discuss strategies to support the persons mental health and how these that could be used to work collaboratively with the person, their family and/or carers while respecting cultural and social sensitivities.
The details below may help you to structure your assignment. Please Note: You do not have to follow this structure it is to give you an idea about how your essay may look.
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