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Mar 30, 2023

Module Code & Title :- MG414 Organisational Behaviour
Assessment Type :- Individual Report
Weighting :- 100%
Assignment task
Context :-
Practitioners of OBM Organisational Behaviour Management focus on identifying problematic situations in the workplace analysing the factors in the environment that could be causing or maintaining the performance problems e.g. lack of: task clarity goal setting resources then changing behaviours by using reen forcers such as feedback praise monetary and non-monetary incentives with the goal of improving performance at the individual group or organisational systems process level.
MG414 Organisational Behaviour Assignment – UK

This assignment has been designed to provide you with an opportunity to demonstrate your achievement of the following module learning outcomes :
LO 1: Define theories models and concepts relating to the study of human behaviour in the workplace
LO 2: Demonstrate an under standing of how these theories can explain the way that people be have & interact at work at individual group and organisational levels
LO 3: Demonstrate an under standing of the impact that organisational culture can have on the success of that organisation

Task requirements :-
You are you are to write an individual 2,500 word report (+/- 10%) which investigates the complexities of human behaviour in the work place through the research of 1 or 2 topics from the module Weeks 1 to 8 only which are different from your original group choice.

Special consideration must be given to individual group and organisational levels and the role that culture plays throughout the organisation.

This investigation must be supported by appropriate literature, academically credible sources theory.

The main expectations are identified in concept below and should be discussed with the tutor throughout the module as you work collectively on your assignment.

The report will contain the following parts:
• Title Page
• Executive Summary
• Table of Contents
• Introduction
• Topic 1 (from the list)
• (Topic 2 – from the list)
• Research Findings
• Conclusion
• Recommendations
• Reference List
• Bibliography
• Appendices

How your work will be assessed

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