Assessment - Social media analytics application to a case study and group presentation
Assessment: students are to create an eight-slide PowerPoint presentation
students will present their data-supported recommendations from the PowerPoint slides
Background: The ever-increasing importance of social media.
Social media for business is no longer optional. It`s a meaningful way to reach your customers, gain valuable insights, and grow your brand.
Week 5 Task: You have been assigned by your organisation to present about social media, social media analytics techniques and crisis management preparation. You are to offer recommendations, communicated in PowerPoint slides, to your organisation on how to use social media analytics techniques to gain an advantage against the competition. Students must be in attendance during
Week 5 class in order to receive marks for Assessment #1.
Week 6 Task: Groups will be given 30 minutes at the beginning of class to prepare a presentation of their recommendations from the PowerPoint slides they created during the Week 5 class. All members of the group must present in order to receive marks for Assessment #1. All group members will earn the same marks for Assessment #1 unless in the lecturer`s judgment, there has not been an equal contribution made by certain group members, in which case their marks may be adjusted.
Assessment Instructions
By Week 4, form groups of 4 or 5 students and inform your lecturer of these groups.
You will be provided with a case study at the beginning of Week 5 class. You will be asked to:
Explain the techniques learned and apply them specifically to the case study provided.
Present your insights in the slides that you will submit. Use short sentences and more visual communication; this is not a paper!
One member from the group will upload the PowerPoint slides via Turnitin at the end of Week 5 class.
In Week 6 class, your group will deliver a 10-minute presentation of your PowerPoint slides to your lecturer
Content per Slide
Slide 1: Title slide, containing student names and ID numbers
Slide 2: Executive Summary describing your organisation and its goals to achieve using social media analytics
Slide 3: Introduction and explanation of why social media has become crucial to marketing and reputation building
Slide 4: Explain two analysis techniques used in social media analytics
Slide 5: Identify, present, and explain a use case of these two techniques to assess your organisation`s specific audience sentiment or competition status
Slide 6: Recommend specific actions for your organisation to succeed using these two social media analytics techniques.
Slide 7: Identify how to create and apply a crisis management plan for your organisation
Slide 8: Recommend specific actions to help your organisation manage a crisis.
Advice here on how to maximise your performance on Assessment :
- Ensure that the insights and recommendations you write in your slides are tailored specifically to the company that is revealed to you at the beginning of your Week 5 class. That means you must apply your comments directly to the company and to the industry that it operates it.
-A generic submission is one where, if we replace in your slides the name of the company that you have been assigned to work on with the name of any other organisation, not much changes meaningfully with your insights and recommendations. If your slide deck is
generic, you will receive low marks on this assessment.
- Your slides must be originally created in Microsoft Office`s PowerPoint software. Do not create or work with your slides in Canva or any other platform. Submit your slides as a PowerPoint file, and not as a PDF or any other format. If your document cannot be read by MyKBS because you did not upload it in the correct format, you will receive 0/10 for your slides.
- Strictly observe the submission deadline that your instructor tells you. Late uploads will receive a zero; give your group plenty of time to finish the slides and submit within this three-hour timed task.
- We want to develop your ability to communicate about business analytics in your own voice. English is a global language and, as we know, the KBS student and instructor community is an international one. Therefore, we are highly accustomed to the several varieties in how English is used worldwide. Make certain that what you write in your slides is consistent with your spoken English abilities. The vast majority of you do not have any work experience in an English-speaking office environment, so we are not expecting professionally polished writing in your slides. Impress us by demonstrating your actual knowledge of the DATA4500 content that supports your insights and recommendations -we always work hard to understand you and the type of English you use - and not with whether you know how to employ tools to make the English in your submissions not sound like your own work.
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