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Apr 23, 2024

Assignment Task


This assessment is designed to consolidate your learnings from the first four weeks of the course, in particular:

  1. How to undertake procurement planning and design a Procurement Plan; and

  2. How to write a Scope of Work, with sufficient detail and clarity that would enable the Scope of Work to be subsequently incorporated into a Request for Tender / Request for Quote; and

  3. How to articulate Performance Requirements and Measures, with sufficient detail and clarity that would enable the Performance Requirements and Measures to be subsequently incorporated into a services contract, and, which clearly reflect the “value for money” proposition that is driving the procuring client.

  4. How to evaluate and reflect upon a procurement case study and incorporate knowledge gained from the case study into your decision-making process when planning and designing a procurement plan.

You will need to demonstrate a sound understanding of the theory behind preparing a Procurement Plan and a Scope of Work, and careful critical analysis is required to identify the most relevant theory for the assessment.

A Procurement Plan can take a variety of forms. You need to design one that is relevant to the services to be procured as per the assessment question. You are free to structure your Procurement Plan as you see fit.

Case Study

For this assessment, you are required to read the following case studies prior to creating your procurement plan: 

You will need to reflect on the case studies when creating your procurement plans and then write a brief reflection describing how the case studies informed your decision-making during the creation of your procurement plan. Specifically, you will be asked to review one specific example of your plan that was informed by the case studies. You need to properly reference and cite the case study in the reflection section of the assessment.

Do not reproduce any language from the case studies, paraphrase the case studies, or quote the case studies in the actual procurement plan. The procurement plan is a professional document and should be formatted as such. The reflection is to be in a separate section after the procurement plan with its own heading.


For this assessment you are an internal Project Manager in the Project Management Office of Mines Are Us, a large national company based on St George’s Terrace in the Perth CBD.

You have been briefed to manage the overall needs of your company in contracting an external catering company to supply food and beverages and service staff to the flagship Perth corporate headquarters of your company.

This involves supplying the food and drinks and kitchen staff required for the internal staff kitchen, which provides a canteen for the staff to purchase lunch and refreshments during the working day. There are 300 staff who use the canteen, 150 of whom on average buy their lunch each day, and the other 150 buy drinks and snacks during the day.

The company has an internal commercial kitchen available for use, and a large staff dining room that seats 125 staff. Most staff take 45 minutes for their lunch break, and take it somewhere between 12pm and 1:30pm.

In addition, the company needs catering and service staff for approximately business meetings involving external clients held in the company’s five internal conference rooms regularly throughout each year at various times between. Each conference room can seat up to 10 people, and three can be opened up together to seat  people seminar style. Of those meetings on average require only tea, coffee and biscuits, and require a light lunch of sandwiches and wraps and fresh fruit in the meeting rooms. The company requires a range of teas and coffees including lattes to be available. 5% require a hot meal for lunch to be served in the Board Room for up to 12 people, and are seminar style meetings of up to 50 people which require platters of sushi, wraps and fresh fruit to be available at the start of the meeting with self-serve tea and filter coffee provided.

Mines Are Us can supply only 0.75FTE staff from the Project Management Office to oversee the whole of the catering operations, however the company still requires all catering staff and catering offerings to be of a standard befitting the head office of a large national company.


The reflection must focus on one specific example as to how the case study informed your decision-making when developing your procurement plan. Explain why the element was important to consider. The example could be:

  1. A decision to include a parameter or element from the case studies;

  2. A decision to not include a parameter or element from the case studies;

  3. How the case studies informed your approach;

  4. How the case studies influenced your considerations; or

  5. Any way that the case studies impacted the creation of your procurement plan

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