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Nov 23, 2023

Term Project

Library Management System

A school library management is a project that manages and stores books information electronically according to student`s needs. The system helps both students and library manager to keep a constant track of all the books available in the library. It allows both the admin and the student to search for the desired book. It becomes necessary for school to keep a continuous check on the books issued and returned and even calculate fine. This task if carried out manually will be tedious and includes chances of mistakes. These errors are avoided by allowing the system to keep track of information such as issue date, last date to return the book and even fine information and thus there is no need to keep manual track of this information which thereby avoids chances of mistakes.

Thus this system reduces manual work to a great extent allows smooth flow of library activities by removing chances of errors in the details.

Features (Scanner Class is essential):
• User login: A prompt to ask for the student`s name (User input).
• Add and Update Books: The user can add books to the system by entering the name of the book.
• ISBN:the program will generate a random ISBN (14 digit) number for the added book.
• Search option: The Student can search for books by entering the name of the book.
• Place order: The students can place order for the books and simultaneously the quantity of the book ordered will be decremented.
• View Order:The students can view order for the books (available books).
• Calculate Fine: The student can view the issue and expiry date for the book issued and can even calculate fine of late returning.
• List of Authors:The user can register and search for book authors.

Following are the minimum project requirements:

1. Minimum of four Classes (Library, Books, Author, Student), in addition to the driver class.
2. All classes must have at least one parameterized and non-parameterized constructor.
3. Setter and Getter methods.
4. Implement Inheritance as follows:



5. Use the toString method for all classes.
6. Use Scanner class to give more interactivity to the project.

Sample Data:
List of books:(Java, Python, MobileDev, AIML, IntroductiontoIoT)
List of Authors: (Dean, Carol, Mikel, Sam, Jhon)

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