+44 7743 307695
Apr 03, 2023

Introduction KF7026 – Module IP Route And Trouble Shooting

Dynamic routing algorithms take a small amount of time for routing tables to become stable following a system switch on or network change.  While this time period may be small, significant network traffic could be lost during periods of convergence.  Furthermore, the actual convergence process for networks can be influenced by router settings such as split horizon (for RIP).  The routing algorithms are well documented and deterministic in nature allowing you to predict behaviour.

In this assignment you will study background theory around route convergence so you can predict behaviour of simple topologies. You will then build some real topologies and observe how convergence occurs and compare your observations with theoretical expectancies.

You are to present your work and observations in a short scientific paper.

Learning Outcomes

The following learning outcomes are being assessed in this assignment

  • KU3 Apply tools to solve complex problems.
  • IPS1 Design, conduct, evaluate and report experimental work.
  • PVA 1 Able to use and apply RFCs as required.

 These learning outcomes are as per the Module Specification.

Assignment Description

You are required to carry out independent study around the convergence of the RIP algorithm.  You should use high quality peer reviewed literature to support your study. This work will form the foundations of a brief theory section in your scientific paper as well as inform thenature of your experimental work.

You are required to conduct experiments on two topologies. Both topologies Figure 1 and Figure 2 are to use 3 routers. One topology will be looped, the other not.

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