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Dec 18, 2023

Assignment Task


1. Ship vulnerability

1. Describe the circumstances or factors which might make the types of ship in your fleet especially vulnerable to or tempting targets for attacks.

2. Context and the role of the SSO

1. If you are taking up the position of SSO on a ship you are not familiar with, what characteristics of the ship and crew would you need to know to enable you to manage security on board effectively?

2. Explain where and from whom you would obtain advice about the particular security threat in any one location and indicate where you would be able to find out your Flag State’s requirements with regard to security.

3. Produce a flowchart showing typical communications between a PFSO, CSOs and ships in the fleet. A basic diagram showing the inter-relationship between the SSO, CSO, and PFSO will suffice for a Pass.

3. Assignment: Security Management on Board

1. List the plans, procedures and documentation which the ISPS Code requires on board ship.

2. State the duration of validity of the International Ship Security Certificate and arrangements for intermediate verification.

3. State the ISPS definition of the 3 levels of security and describe the measures that would be taken at each level.

4. Routine Defences

1. Describe routine defensive measures necessary to control access to the ship and access within the ship.

2. Describe the key elements that contribute to effective search procedures on your ship.

5. Emergencies

1. If a suspicious package or device is discovered on board (which could be a bomb), list the procedures that should be followed and some of the specific actions which should definitely be avoided.

2. Describe how you or other trained crew members on board should deal with a situation where the behaviour of a crowd is starting to become a problem.


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