In this session, I`ll explain the assessment two to you and what you need to do to complete this assessment. I will also discuss the various resources that are available to assist you in doing this assessment. This second assessment is a two and a half thousand word individual case study that will look at internationalising a particular product or service to another market. The actual case study will be provided to you by your instructor.
In the assessment, students will need to prepare a case study report that identifies international business opportunities and formulates recommendations for your case study organisation, product or service. In particular, these recommendations need to be socially and culturally responsible.
So, for the case study that you have been given, you need to specify the exact international business opportunity that you will pursue. The assignment really follows course to do in the international business course. So what do you have to do for this assignment?
You will firstly have to identify the international business opportunity for the case of organisation. Secondly, you need to present an introduction. In this section, you will highlight what you are going to examine in your case study report and how and why.
Thirdly, you will need to suggest the international strategy for the company. To do this, you first need to conduct a SWOT analysis for your firm. Out of this SWOT analysis, you should emanate your objective for the market. Then you need to consider the actual international strategy out of the four international strategic choices.
You will recall from course two module one. Then there are four international strategic choices and they include the international home replication strategy, the localisation multi-domestic strategy, the global standardisation strategy or the transnational strategy. So you need to choose one of them and justify why you think that is most suitable for your case study organisation.
Fourthly, once you have done that, then you need to specify the entry mode for your case study organisation. Again here you will need to go through course 2 module 1 and consider all of the entry modes and decide on the most appropriate one.
You can also read wildly on different entry modes in your textbook or journal articles. For instance, exporting, licensing, franchising, joint ventures, Greenfield, wholly owned, foreign enterprises, mergers or acquisitions or strategic alliances, and consider which one, you think is most suitable for your case organisation.
It will be helpful for you to consider the advantages and disadvantages of each entry mode and also how Dunning`s eclectic theory may help support your entry mode choice. Fifthly, once you have chosen the international strategy and the entry mode, you now need to move on to picking the international organisation design for this organisation.
So how will it look like? What type of organised structure will you use? You could draw a picture of this structure. Will decision making be centralised or decentralised and then what about integrating mechanisms? And how will you control this new net venture?
As a hint, it may be useful to think about a few output controls for the new international opportunity. Sixthly, you need to consider international marketing for your case study organisation, product or service. Firstly, you`ll need to have an idea about the market segment that you`ll be targeting.
You need to specify what this should be and find some information on this market segment. So, for instance, what are their characteristics? Next, you will need to analyse the product or service according to the four Ps: product, price, place and promotion. To think about how you market the product in the new country.
Remember from your learnings of international marketing. The key question is about whether you standardise or customise each components of the four Ps to the new market you`re in. For example, will you adapt the product for the new market or will you adapt the price? Does the new market require different promotional activities and will place matter for this product or service?
These are just a few questions that, however, you may wish to delve deeper into this topic. Seventh, the next part of your assignment will require you to articulate the international human resource strategy for the fair.
Some useful questions could include
Finally, in the conclusion, you need to summarise your main findings and implications of your findings for the case study.
So overall, what makes a good quality assignment?
a) It is based on good quality research and your ability to present a vast amount of information simply and in a convincing way.
b) You need to read broadly on theories, models and frameworks relevant to international business and the areas you need to cover in the assignment.
c) You have good quality sources of information, including academic journal articles, business practitioner articles, textbooks, etc. However, please don`t use Wikipedia or dubious references or no name references from strange websites.
d) How well you use these resources to support your arguments?
e) Your information is realistic, relevant and would be useful for the case study organisation.
f) You have adequately referenced and you have used the Harvard referencing system to acknowledge your sources of information, both in text and as a reference list at the end.
Your final paper doesn`t exceed two and a half words in total and h. Your paper should be tight, double spaced, 12 point font and has headings. And finally. i. The references. You should have about 15 to 20 references. So where do you find the information and references that may help you to complete this assignment?
Firstly, you could start by utilising the resources in your upGrad course. You could then utilise the prescribed textbook for this course by Hill and Hult 2019. You could then search information in the Deakin University library using search terms around the topic areas in the assignment topic.
In the library, there are a range of databases which you could search for information for your assignment. Some of the databases include Business Source Complete, ProQuest, Central, Passport for Web of Science. You may also search for credible internet sources such as Google Scholar.
Therefore, there are a range of credible sources that you may use for your assignment. As mentioned above, we discouraged you from using Wikipedia as sources for your assignment. That is not a credible source for your assignment.
In terms of academic support at Deakin University, we have plenty of resources that may assist you with writing and structuring your assignment. For example, the Deakin academic skills website has resources on academic style, English language development, using sources, referencing drafting and proofreading, and responding to feedback.
These are all useful resources for you to look at to work out how to improve your assignment. I do hope that the above gives you clarification on what you need to do for your assignment and the supports that are available to you in writing your assignment. Thank you and good luck.
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