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Feb 20, 2024

Assignment Task

Reflection is a critical component in one`s professional and personal life. It provides a sense of meaning to experiences, an opportunity to put these experiences into perspective, and under review and provides an opportunity to change how you see, understand and experience situations. The reflective process involves reflective thinking and critical thinking and is a personal response to experiences and new information. It is important to develop our ability to reflect to inform and develop our helping role. Understanding how this process works and how we learn can help us appreciate how important the use of reflection is to our learning. Reflective writing flows from this process of reflection and is a way of exploring your learning, in identifying your knowledge gaps and areas for improvement and serves as a channel for communicating your response to thoughts, and feelings but more importantly it serves to provide clarity and a better understanding of what you are learning.

The student`s ability to evaluate and express their thoughts and opinions about the content, in offering a unique and independent yet related view will be assessed. The student`s ability to demonstrate their understanding of the content as part of their learning and development process will further be assessed. 


Write an essay in which you include the following:

Part 1 - Research Component:

  • Define the concept of `ethics`. Draw upon the literature to highlight the role and value of ethics in a multicultural context and provide examples relevant to the South African context.;
  • Discuss the importance of ethics in the helping relationship. Make use of the literature to aid in your discussion.

Part 2 - Reflective Component:

Reflect on the importance of self-awareness and your ability to engage in self-reflection.


All assessments should be typed (preferably double-spaced, 12-point Times New Roman or 11-point Calibri), carefully proofread, and should give evidence of considerable thought/reference to relevant and, where possible, contextual psychological journals and literature. Your assessments must show the development of your position in a coherent, logical, and organized way, and must demonstrate thorough engagement with the various topics covered in this module. 

  • Further to this, use research to discuss the value of self-awareness and self-reflection in the helping relationship;
  • Discuss at least three values that you ascribe to and how they came to be your main values. Further to this, identify some of your biases that might have an impact on how you engage in the counselling setting as a counsellor.
  • Reflect on the potential impact that these values and biases may have when you engage with clients;
  • Discuss the concept of `values imposition` and identify what can be done to guard against the influence/impact of values imposition.
  • Be sure to demonstrate your awareness of how your values can be a source of counsellor strength, as well as impairment, and describe how you intend to deal with your values and biases when these emerge in the helping relationship.
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