+44 7743 307695
Dec 11, 2023


COUNTRY: Australia- focus on musculoskeletal disorders, arthritis, and back problems. Focus on the rural areas as well when it comes to accessibility and the challenges that they face there.


Basic Information and Stats, Model(s), and Perception

1. Provide basic information and stats on your country:

  • general geography,
  • overall demographics, and
  • disability statistics on your population.

2. Model(s) of Disability most common:

  • This will likely require your interpretation of how your country`s healthcare system is set up, availability/accessibility/use of social services, social views on the etiology of disability, and treatment of people with disabilities.

3. Perception of people with disability:

  • acceptance,
  • stigma, and
  • discrimination.

Laws/Policies, UNCRPD, Education, and Employment

  • how your country is/isn`t involved.
  • this will likely involve some digging and reading/paraphrasing reports.


  • stats on how many youth with disabilities attend school compared to general the population,
  • high school graduation rates of students with disabilities,
  • college rates, and
  • the types of school-based services are available.

Employment (include SES):

employment rates of people with disabilities:

  • compare full-time vs. part-time,
  • compare to the general population,
  • compare unemployment vs. underemployment, and
  • compare age and gender.

Accessibility, Healthcare, and Advocacy

1. Accessibility:

  • to the environment;
  • accessibility of technology, as well as use of assistive technology;
  • availability of accommodations; and
  • a brief history of institutionalization of your chosen disability population in this country, including current issues (if any).

2. Healthcare (access to services): You have a lot of flexibility with this one, as you may/may not find very specific data.

3. Advocacy:

a. locate a minimum of 4 of each of the following, and provide contact information and explanation of provided services:

  • local community services (you may want to split your country up into 4 regions, and choose towns/cities to locate appropriate resources),
  • regional resources for people with disabilities, and
  • nationwide resources for people with disabilities.


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