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Feb 28, 2024

Assignment Task

The COVID19 pandemic is arguably the biggest challenge healthcare companies have faced in recent years. As the world enters the third year of the pandemic, the health sector faces many ongoing challenges. Changes in care delivery, staffing shortages, cyberattacks and value-based care reimbursement top the list of growing challenges in 2022. Care health is a combination of tangible and intangible aspects, the invisible aspect dominates the visible aspect. In fact, we can say that it is completely immaterial, insofar as the services (consultations) that the doctor provides are completely immaterial. Tangible things can include beds, decorations, etc. In the healthcare industry, as in most other service industries, the interaction between patients and healthcare providers is an integral part of the service process.

Individuals are more apt to seriously consider a job change if they feel they are not appreciated, not seeing the growth they desire or simply aren’t enjoying their position/work environment due to burnout. Today, it is becoming increasingly important for companies to focus on being as proactive as possible in retaining top performers. Some top employees are contemplating leaving for better offers or more fulfilling challenges, making the proactive role of management and human resources more vital.


Health Leaders reports that the industry has lost 20-30% of its workforce since 2019. Their studies also show that among workers still employed, many are actively seeking new roles or considering leaving the healthcare field altogether. It is not surprising that healthcare organizations see talent acquisition and retention as not only a major challenge but also a top priority. Strategies to attract and retain financial talent include flexibility in work arrangements followed by salary increases. Much of 2021 has been spent putting in place the right human resource

plans. As we continue to grow, business owners and leaders should consider which positions are best suited to continue working remotely and how to provide more flexibility to team members who must work remotely. in place. The Department of Health is continuing its strategy to help providers transition to value-based care reimbursement models for groups of Medicare patients. Physicians and health systems will face increasing pressure to participate in Medicare`s "alternative payment models" and "hospital value-based purchasing plans". Active healthcare systems and providers will now embrace this change by selecting the right consulting service partner to receive additional reimbursement based on value before they have to. incur loss of service fee revenue in the future.

There are many definitions of marketing in use today. Some related items these are:

The father of marketing Phillip Kotler defined it as "the science and art of discovering, creating, and delivering value to satisfy the needs of a for-profit target market." Marketing identifies unmet needs and wants. It identifies, measures and quantifies the size of the identified market and profit potential. It identifies the segments the company can best serve and it designs and promotes products and appropriate service. According to the American Management Association, marketing is “the activity, totality of institutions and processes for creating, communicating, delivering, and exchanging services that have value for customers, clients, partners, and society as a whole”. The situation of the marketing function in the service sector is different from that of traditional companies. Marketing no longer takes place in a single department but is separated into functions and distributed throughout the organization.

Three forms of marketing used in the industry help create the perfect combination for the success of any service.

Outbound Marketing:

The four key components of outbound marketing for goods are four Ps (Price, Product, Place, and Promotion) for goods and the other three Ps in the service industry. (Physical evidence, people and processes) are added. This marketing is mainly aimed at customers who pay for the services they use. This marketing has defined the promises that an organization is expected to keep. Some examples of external marketing tools are advertisements, posters, etc. With its external marketing activities, the organization fulfils its promises to customers about its services, products and the value of its profits.

Interaction Marketing:

Interaction marketing refers to the environment, systems, and habits used by employees for customers. Along with interactive marketers, communicate with customers to deliver the promised service or product.

Internal Marketing:

Internal marketing is work those businesses do themselves to educate, motivate and satisfy employees. Internal marketing is marketing internally with targeted programs that empower employees and help them to better connect with the organization. In the service sector, employees of organizations play an important role because they are dealing with the customers.

Internal Marketing in Healthcare

Internal marketing (IM) refers to selling a service concept to an internal audience before it can be sold externally. IM refers to all actions that an organization (i.e., healthcare organizations, hospitals) must take to develop, train and motivate its staff to improve the quality of services provided to its customers. It also improved the productivity of employees and improved customer satisfaction, which increased revenue. It was introduced as a concept by Berry et al. in 1976. However, after realizing its importance, it was not widely used in organizations. Marketers realize that marketing activities inside the company can be more important, if not more, than marketing activities outside the company. It makes no sense to promise great service before company employees are ready to deliver.

Kotler says internal marketing is successful recruiting, training and motivating employees to improve customer service. Conduit and Mavondo , divided internal marketing practices into five categories: employee training, management support, internal communications human resources, and employee involvement in external communications.

Building on all of this, internal marketing has been defined as "a planned effort that uses a marketing-like approach to overcome an organization`s resistance to change and imminent arrival." align, motivate, coordinate and cross-functionally integrate employees to function effectively and the company strategies for customer satisfaction through the creation of motivated employees force, focus on customers”.

Internal Marketing, Employee Satisfaction, & Retention

IM can be viewed as an internal tool or process that can be used to improve service quality and external marketing campaigns, but Its influence on these concepts is divided by the influence of IM on employee satisfaction. The importance of IM as an essential tool lies in service quality. Service organizations such as hospitals, banks, and restaurants focus on continuously providing high-quality services assigned by staff and employees are not always consistent. This has raised the question of how to ensure that the quality of service provided by employees is of a consistently high standard. The solution to this problem was suggested by Berry as Employee Satisfaction and Motivation


  • To examine the internal marketing elements as the predictors of employee
  • To understand the profile (socio-economic status, demographic) of employees who are affected more with internal
  • To understand the effect of internal marketing on patient
  • To calculate the economic difference if any due to internal marketing and change in perspective of employees and

Research Questions/ Hypothesis

  • How do different employees of the hospital realize the concept of Internal Marketing?
  • What are the tools and methods used in the hospital industry for internal marketing?
  • What programs are run for internal marketing in private and public
  • What is the demographic profile of the employees who relate to these campaigns and how it helps them?
  • What is the difference in patient satisfaction or referrals after internal marketing?
  • What is the total out of expenditure incurred by the hospital?Does internal marketing and job satisfaction or patient satisfaction have any viable relationship

Statement of the problem

Service organizations like hospitals are focused on consistently delivering high- quality services. These services like OPD, IPD, diagnosis, examination, surgery, etc. provided by health care workers at each service point. But employees cannot expect consistent delivery of quality care because many factors affect consistency. Healthcare services involving human contact at each of the delivery points make employees an important part of the system. In providing healthcare services, internal marketing is a lesser-known concept that has a direct impact on employee’s satisfaction, workability and retention.

  • Does internal marketing and branding effect employee’s perspective towards job satisfaction?
  • What changes do patients feel when a hospital creates an environment of brand recognition?
  • Do better internal marketing lead to low attrition rates in grade 3 and grade 4 employees?
  • Do patients recommend hospitals more which invest in internal marketing?
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