This section should demonstrate your understanding of the task/problem and what you are going to do. Important points to consider:
Methods and calculations
This section should include written explanations of the methods used and the associated calculations. It might include tables and figures. Important points to consider:
This section should include written summaries of the results, as well as discussion of the assumptions related to the problem question and real-world relevance. Important points to consider:
1. Estimating area
As part of an Eco-School Grant, a primary school is revitalising the immediate outside space into a nature playground . There are grass play areas that extend beyond the immediate outside space and are not a consideration for this planning. The school building features some irregularly shaped exterior features and the nature playground will involve significant landscaping. The plan of the nature playground is illustrated in .
The brown areas in Figure 2 show the play area that will be mulched. Defined areas around the base of each plant species, the frog pond, and the paths will not be mulched. The nature playground landscaping team must choose between two different types of wood mulch.
The school committee want to know the initial cost of the wood mulch and also the ongoing costs to rejuvenate the mulch (to meet minimum depth safety standards) within a ten-year budget cycle. A total costing amount should also be determined.
Your Task
Using the information given (and Figure 2 on the next page) calculate the total volume of mulch to be purchased and determine which type of mulch would be most cost-effective
For the conclusion
2. Online engagement with learning resources
Allira has just enrolled to study online for the first time. She wants to know what strategies will help her succeed over the next term, so she talks to the unit assessor about what has helped past students (Figure 3). The unit assessor has student data from a previous term so they plan to explore if there is a relationship between students’ grades, and their use of the online resources. They download data from 30 past students on the number of times students accessed the online site learning materials (online site access), the number of practice quiz completions, and the students’ final grade.
Your task
Explore the relationships between online site access and grades, and practice quiz completion and grades, commenting on the accuracy of any predictions made from the relationships.
For the conclusion
3. Interpreting infographics
A 25-year-old male university student is given the task in their exercise physiology class to record their heart rate (in beats per minute) while completing three different activities (resting, walking and running) each day for a month. He uses excel to create box and whisker plots to compare central tendency and the spread of the data collected. In words (written in complete sentences but can be presented as a paragraph or separate dot points);
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