+44 7743 307695
Feb 26, 2024


1. Even in countries with universal access to health care, disparities exist between wealthy and economically marginalized people. One factor that may explain this discrepancy is:

A. Health varies within countries, and women are healthier overall than men.

B. Education and health literacy are higher among those with more personal wealth.

C. Those with lower social support levels are healthier than those with many social contacts.

2. Increasing overall health expectancy so that is closer to overall life expectancy in the United States will involve__________________.

A. injury prevention among young adults

B. treatments that address genetic risk factors for accelerated aging

C. the compression of morbidity

3. A group of women are working on a unity quilt-and each are tasked with making a small patch of the quilt using two shades of any blue fabric. The sewing together of the final quilt (and all of the small contributions) would be considered what type of task?

A. A divisible task

B. An additive task

C. A disjunctive task

4. Julia has been trying to master the front handspring in her gymnastics training. Her coach has been working with her for several weeks on how to master it. She has done it a couple of times, but is still working on getting better at it. Two of Julia`s friends from school are in the neighboring class at gymnastics and come over to her and say, "Julia! We want to see you do the front handspring!" Julia still finds it to be a very challenging skill to demonstrate. According to Zajonc`s Social Facilitation Theory, Julia`s likelihood of successfully demonstrating a front handspring ___________________ because her school friends are watching. This is also referred to as _____________________.

A. will decrease; the impression awareness effect

B. will increase; the impression awareness effect

C. will decrease; social inhibition

5. Research suggests that aggression may occur as a result of the stress response-also referred to as the ________, which is ____________.

A. fight or freeze response; a learned social response to threatening situations

B. fight or flight response; adaptive evolutionarily

C. fight or fright response; adaptive evolutionarily

6. Bullying in the workplace is considered a major problem for companies due to its association with ________________________________. One risk factor associated with bullying in the workplace is __________________________.

A. health problems, like depressive symptoms; high clarity of duties

B. health problems, like depressive symptoms and absenteeism; role ambiguity

C. absenteeism; high clarity of duties

7. Troy has an essay due in the morning. He meant to work on it all week, but just kept procrastinating working on it. The essay is due at 11:59pm, and he only starts working on it at 11pm. At least this way, if he doesn`t do all that well, he can blame it on putting off writing the paper and his procrastination. This is an example of ___________________________.

A. a behavioral method to engage in self-handicapping

B. an attributional bias

C. a group-serving bias

8. Ben is researching pro-environmental behaviors-specifically commitment to composting organic materials (e.g., food waste). In addition to asking about participants` attitudes towards composting and its importance for the environment, Ben asks about how easy it would be for the person to compost-such as whether they have access to a compost bin, whether they have a garden that the compost material could go to, and whether they live in an apartment where composting may not be as easy. Ben also asks whether important people in the participants` lives (such as parents, close friends) would think that composting is an important thing to do. Ben is studying composting using the ___________________, and in addition to attitudes, he is measuring information about the participants` __________________________.

A. theory of planned behavior; perceived behavioral control and subjective norms

B. principle of attitude consistency; perceived behavioral control and injunctive norms

C. principle of attitude consistency; behaviors and cognitions surrounding composting

9. Greta identifies as a member of the LGBTQ community, she is very connected to her Italian roots, and she is a huge Mets fan. These aspects of Greta are likely part of her ________________.

A. Personality identity

B. Social identity

C. Individualistic identity

10. Michelle considers herself to be an honest employee and works hard at her job every day. Sometimes she even stays late at her workplace to make sure her reports are crystal clear and well done. Occasionally, without much conscious thought, Michelle has taken office supplies home (e.g., pens, notebooks). One day, the workplace sends out an email saying that they are "disappointed in company employees-and the rates at which office supplies, including pens and notebooks, have gone missing." Michelle immediately feels guilty as a result of the conflict between her values as an employee and this email from her company. She is experiencing _________ and justifying her behavior by thinking "I deserve to have a few extra pens given all I have given to this company" would help to ______________.

A. self-concept confusion; increase her self-concept clarity

B. cognitive dissonance; reduce the feelings of dissonance

C. self-discrepancy; decrease the discrepancy between her ought and ideal selves.

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