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Oct 20, 2023

Assignment: Interdisciplinary STEM Unit Plan

1) Summary and Rationale

Summary and rationale of the lesson that clearly creates relevant and engaging learning experiences appropriate for identified learning goals and content standards.

2) STEM Standards (science, technology, engineering,and/ormath)

STEM standards (science, technology, engineering, and math) from the "Next Generation Science Standards

3) Instructional Strategies

Kagan strategies, small group, whole group, partner work, etc.

Choose an instructional strategy that is applicable to each lesson that provides opportunities for independent study, active inquiry, collaboration, and/or support interaction in the elementary STEM classroom.

4) Materials, Resources, and Technology

Choose digital tools, resources, and technology that provide opportunities for creativity, innovative thinking, and engage students in solving authentic problems

5) Engineering Standards

Insert an engineering standard in your unit plan. Include a brief sentence as to how engineering could play a role in each of the lessons

6) Humanities and/or Arts Standards

Common Core or state standard

Include a minimum of three humanities and/or arts standards, throughout the unit plan, that align with the overarching theme chosen

7) Learning Objectives (Students will...)

Write measurable learning objectives for each lesson that take into consideration interdisciplinary instruction and specifically align to the chosen state standards

8) Summary of Instruction and Activities Planned for the Lesson

Include a summary of instruction and strategies implemented for each lesson with a brief description of the activities planned that are developmentally appropriate to STEM using cross-disciplinary connections to engage students and promote inquiry.

9) Formative Assessment Strategies Planned

Discuss how you will formally and informally assess the learning of each lesson to plan, evaluate, and strengthen instruction that promotes continuous development of students. Include at least two formative assessments to be implemented through a form of technology

Summative Assessment: Provide a 150-word description of the summative assessment you will use to assess your students at the end of instruction.(Provide a description of the project-based summative assessment used to assess the unit plan.)

Reflection: (In 250 words, summarize, reflect, and describe how your unit plan will create relevant and engaging learning experiences that encourage motivation in order to build ownership of learning in STEM.):

Reflection: (In 250 words, summarize and reflect on the major concepts and principles of the Engineering Component and their integration into your unit plan. What are the benefits and challenges that occur when integrating major concepts and principles of engineering into multiple content areas? Why is this important? Explain how you will use the engineering process in your future professional practice).

Reflection: (In 250 words, summarize and reflect on the importance of integrating humanities and the arts into STEM curricula. What are the advantages and challenges to integrating humanities and the arts into interdisciplinary instruction? Explain how you will use your findings in your future professional practice.):

Final Reflection: In 250 words, summarize and reflect on the effect and importance of implementing interdisciplinary instruction, lesson planning, and assessment. Explain how your chosen assessments are data-driven, student-centered, and address specific learning goals in STEM instruction. How will this process help you to plan instruction in the future that promotes continuous physical, social, emotional, and cognitive development across content areas, encourage inquiry, and engage students in applying central concepts of STEM discipline?

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