+44 7743 307695
Nov 17, 2023

Case Study: You will be writing a professional email to an organization/person of your choice. Identify an area of health care disparity /underserved population that is of interest to you.

You will research organizations/groups/individuals that are currently working to reduce that disparity. You will send a professional email to that organization/group/or individual.

Some things you may consider for your email:

Professional heading or address

An introduction of who you are, why you are emailing and what you hope to achieve with the email.

What does the organization/group/individual identify as priority needs for reducing health care disparities in their population?

Why do they believe that those disparities exist? What are the biggest barriers?

What suggestions does that organization have for nurses to help reduce those health care disparities.

What additional resources does the organization recommend?

Thank the person for their time

Close with a professional salutation


  1. What healthcare disparity/topic will be your focus? I am focusing on the healthcare disparity of non-English speaking individuals in my community.
  2. Why did you choose this disparity/topic? I chose this disparity as I have never seen a translator or assigned worker in any of my healthcare appointments in my community.
  3. What do you hope to learn from/initiate/facilitate with your email communication? I hope to spark interest and understanding, followed by motivation to make the change needed throughout my community. I hope to learn of what the agency has for goals to reduce this disparity as well as what they have done to towards this goal.
  4. How did you find your contact information? I found my contact information by both use of the service and online resources as well.
  5. Provide a Brief overview of the agency/organization with which you will communicate. The organization I chose is Hands of Hope. I have been there both for myself, as well as for clients. I have never heard any other language besides English in their offices. I went online and saw a Latino employee in our Little Falls office, but I`m not certain she speaks Spanish. There has been an increase in languages besides English, and I`m curious what this organization is doing to meet their needs. This organization Is widely referred to by social services, law enforcement, counselors, medical personnel, and community members as a resource for help protecting themselves, children, and family members from violence, homelessness, and other resources. I want to know that more than just English-speaking people in my community can access these resources easily.
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