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Nov 03, 2023

Case Study: Burns Case Study Patient Information: - Name: Evan Yardson - Age: 35 - Gender: Male - Admission Date: September 15, 2023 - Diagnosis: Severe burns involving 45% of BSA (second and third-degree burns) Past Medical History: John Doe has a relatively unremarkable past medical history. He has not been diagnosed with any chronic medical conditions, and he does not take any regular medications. He has no known allergies to medications or substances. Clinical Presentation: Evan Yardson was admitted to the emergency department following a workplace accident in which he was exposed to a significant flame, resulting in burns to his face, neck, chest, abdomen, back, and both upper extremities. He was initially found to be in shock with hypotension and tachycardia. On examination, the burns appeared to be deep second-degree and third-degree burns, covering approximately 45% of his total body surface area. Vital Signs on Admission: - Blood Pressure: 100/70 mmHg - Heart Rate: 120 bpm - Respiratory Rate: 24 breaths/min - Temperature: 101.4°F (oral) Lab Results on Admission: - Hemoglobin (Hb): 13.2 g/dL - Hematocrit (Hct): 38% - White Blood Cell Count (WBC): 18,000/mm³ - Serum Sodium (Na): 136 mEq/L - Serum Potassium (K): 4.0 mEq/L - Serum Creatinine (Cr): 0.9 mg/dL - Blood Urea Nitrogen (BUN): 20 mg/dL - Arterial Blood Gas (ABG): - pH: 7.28 - PaO2: 85 mmHg - PaCO2: 50 mmHg - HCO3-: 22 mEq/L - SaO2: 90% Current Medications: As of his admission for burn injuries, John Doe is not taking any regular medications. However, the following medications have been initiated upon admission: 1. Pain Management: - Morphine sulfate via intravenous (IV) patient-controlled analgesia (PCA) pump for pain relief. Initial loading dose and PCA settings as per hospital protocol. 2. Antibiotics: - Ceftriaxone 1 g IV every 24 hours as prophylactic antibiotic therapy to reduce the risk of infection. 3. Tetanus Prophylaxis: - Tetanus toxoid vaccine booster administered according to the hospital`s tetanus prophylaxis protocol. Doctor`s Orders: Upon admission, the attending physician has ordered the following treatments and interventions for John Doe: 1. Fluid Resuscitation: - Initiation of fluid resuscitation with lactated Ringer`s solution at a rate of 2-4 mL/kg/%TBSA (Total Body Surface Area) burned, with 50% of the calculated volume administered over the first 8 hours from the time of injury. 2. Wound Assessment and Debridement: - Consultation with a burn specialist for a thorough assessment of burn depth and extent. - Consideration of early surgical debridement for deep burns. 3. Pain Management: - Maintenance of adequate pain control using the PCA pump. Nursing staff should assess pain levels regularly and titrate medication as needed within the limits set by the physician. 4. Infection Control: - Strict adherence to infection control measures, including hand hygiene, sterile dressing changes, and aseptic techniques during wound care. 5. Nutritional Support: - Initiation of enteral nutrition via a nasogastric (NG) tube, with a goal of meeting or exceeding estimated calorie and protein needs for burn patients. A nutrition consult has been requested. 6. Psychosocial Support: - Referral to the hospital`s social worker and psychologist for psychosocial support for both the patient and his family. 7. Monitoring: - Continuous monitoring of vital signs, including blood pressure, heart rate, respiratory rate, temperature, and oxygen saturation. - Serial assessments of burn wounds for signs of infection or necrosis. - Daily laboratory monitoring of complete blood count (CBC), electrolytes, and renal function 8. Consultation: - Consultation with a plastic surgeon for potential grafting of deep burns. - Consultation with a physical therapist for range of motion exercises and mobility assistance.


1. Based on John`s vital signs and clinical presentation, what is his current status? What immediate nursing interventions should be prioritized?

2. What is the appropriate initial fluid resuscitation strategy for John considering his burn extent and lab results? How should you calculate his fluid requirements?

3. How would you assess and manage John`s pain? What analgesic options are suitable for burn patients?

4. What precautions should be taken to prevent infection in burn patients? How can you assess for signs of infection in John`s case?

5. Why is nutritional support important in burn patients, and when should it be initiated? What considerations should be made regarding John`s nutritional needs?

6. Burns can be emotionally traumatic. How would you provide psychosocial support to John and his family during his hospitalization?

7. What are the key principles of wound care for burn patients? How should John`s burns be initially managed, and what dressing choices are appropriate?

8. What potential complications should you monitor for in John`s case, and what are the early signs of these complications?

9. What information should you provide to John and his family about his condition, treatment plan, and expectations for his recovery?

10. What factors should be considered when planning for John`s discharge from the hospital, and what follow-up care might be needed?

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