+44 7743 307695
Oct 21, 2023


Part I: Network Management

A. What is a real-life example of how layers in a system indirectly connect two entities (such as a person or company) in communication?

B. What did you learn about your chosen career path that you did not already know?

Part II: Data Mining

What is Data Mining and Why is it Important?" the presenter uses the statement "patterns in data help answer business questions," a broad statement. Consider a small business that is a computer store. How would data mining help expand their business?


A. Describe what a database is?

B. Discuss the main characteristics of the database approach and how it differs from traditional file systems. Discuss the differences between database systems and information retrieval. A minimum of 1 outside reference is required, along with APA formatting.

Part IV: Big data

List the following:

A. Link to the job posting
B. Where is the job located? Can you work remote?
C. Did the employer list a pay range? What is it?
D. What other skills did the employer ask for.

For your reply, take a look at other job postings. From your observation, what do you believe are the similarities and differences of the jobs you observed and the job you posted?

Part V: Cyber

After completing this reading, listening, and watching activities:

A. In 100 to 200 words, explain in your own words why Cybersecurity is important to people, businesses, and governments.

B. In 100 to 200 words, express your opinion about the importance and necessity of assessing threats, knowing vulnerabilities, and gathering cyber threat intelligence.

C. In 50 to 100 words, reply to 2 of your classmates.

Part VI: Project Management

After completing this reading assignment answer the following question in 250 or more words. After you have done your post, in 100 words or more reply to 2 of your classmates.

A. What is Project Management?
B. What is the project life cycle and how is it used?

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