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Feb 20, 2024

Write a paper explaining why worship relies heavily on the visual arts.For this engagement paper, you are required to go to a museum. Please note, the Baltimore Museum of Art and the Walters Art Museum are closed on Monday and Tuesday. When you arrive, go through the entire museum quickly, taking note of any artwork that catches your eye. After you have been through the whole museum, spend at least 30 minutes in front of one painting or sculpture simply looking. Be sure to select a painting or sculpture that 1) will hold your attention that long and 2) seems to have some religious significance.

After viewing the painting, write a paper that briefly analyzes the work according to Panofsky’s three levels of analysis: 1) formal analysis 2) iconography and 3) iconology.

For the formal analysis, you may want to use Wölfflin five pairs to help guide your analysis:

Linear v. Painterly
Plane v. Recession
Closed form v. Open Form
Multiplicity v. Unity
Absolute Clarity v. Relative clarity
You might also want to think in terms of some basic vocabulary for formal analysis. In this section, you basically need to write about the work of art as a work of art.

For the iconography section of your paper, write about what all of the objects are supposed to represent. You might also want to do some research into what the various objects might symbolize. (For example, if you see a peacock, it might represent the resurrection).

Finally, for the iconology section of your paper, write about what this work of art tells us about a given time. In the context of this class, I am particularly interested in what the artwork means theologically. In order to write about this, consider using Paul Tillich’s concept of ultimate concern. What was the artist’s ultimate concern? How does this reflect the ultimate concern of the artist’s wider world?

The paper should be three pages (at least) double spaced. Wherever you use outside resources, you absolutely must cite them using either Chicago or MLA style. For this paper, you may use Google searches and Wikipedia articles, but please know these are not the most authoritative resources. More ambitious students will find museum catalogues,, and the Loyola Notre Dame Library’s collection to be more valuable resources.

The ultimate goal is to give you a chance to engage with a work of art at a deeper and more thoughtful level. My hope is that these skills will help you to have a richer experience of the arts in your future.

I went to the Baltimore museum of art this is the painting

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