+44 7743 307695
Feb 24, 2024

You will interview a School Administrator or School Counselor about what legal/ethical and/or
issues he/she had to contend with over the past year and how the issues impacted and involved
the school counselor. Write a 5-page paper describing your interview and what you learned. APA
format must be used
make sure your paper includes:

Write a paper summarising the questions that are asked during the interview with the after-school counsellor.Discussion of ethical/legal issues faced: The laws and ethics are described in
detail (ASCA Ethical Standards are identified); the laws and ethics are explained; implications for
working with diverse populations is discussed.
Description of interview and background of interviewee: Clear discussion of the interview, communicated who was interviewed and why they were interviewed (decided to Interview Mr. Taketa because of the years of experience he has on the field as a school counselor)
How issues impacted/involved school counselor: Clear and thorough discussion of how issues impacted or involved the school counselor
Reflection (discussion of experience regarding assignment) :Genuine reflection and description of how this impacted practitioner (you) (It was overwhelming to learn all that information, but it was also very interesting, also to see how things have changed)
Source Interview: (T. Taketa, personal communication, 02/13/2024
Source ASCA:

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